April 03, 2020

SLU AT Student Kate Perko Awarded MAATA Scholarship

Saint Louis University Athletic Training Student Katherine (Kate) Perko was selected for a 2020 Graduate Scholarship from the Mid-America Athletic Trainers' Association (MAATA).  

A native of Chatham, Illinois, Kate is in the Master of Athletic Training Class of 2021. She is in the SLU Honors Program with a 3.89 GPA and will graduate in May 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, a Dance minor, and concentrations in Athletic Training and Interprofessional Practice.  She will also be presenting her Honors Capstone project at the SLU Senior Legacy Symposium (which with occur virtually this year).

She is a member of the SLU Alpha Iota Chapter of Iota Tau Alpha, the National Athletic Training Honor Society; and Alpha Eta, the National Allied Health Honor Society.  She is also on the Executive Committee for the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Society (SLATS), SLU's AT student organization.

Congratulations Kate!

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