October 30, 2013

SLU Staff Members "Make a Difference" for Our Heroes

Saint Louis University's Make a Difference Day 2013 included nearly 3,700 students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni and community members take part in the University's annual day of service. The participants provided service at 140 community organizations, schools, churches and homes across the St. Louis area.

Jennifer Baine, Administrative Assistant for the Athletic Training Program in the Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training, organized the effort for the Staff Advisory Committee, which included staff members from Doisy College of Health Sciences. More than 25 staff members participated by packing care packages for overseas military members at H.E.R.O.E.S. Care in Fenton.

Volunteers from the H.E.R.O.E.S. Care site were: Jennifer Baine, Michael Bamber, Kathy Barbeau, Antoinette Dean, Jennifer Elwyn, Beth Glauber, Patt Hoffarth, Laura Mayer, Yvonne McCool, Darin McLaughlin, Joseph Moore, Kathy Neiger, Ann Scales, Rita Stites, Karen Stocke, Bridget Turner, Ellen Weis, Jeanne Young and Francesca Zanti.

H.E.R.O.E.S. Care is an affiliation of program partners working together to provide support to military families in the communities where they live. H.E.R.O.E.S. Care combines the power of national organizations dedicated to providing emergency financial aid, employment opportunities and mental health services through a network of specially trained care gives before, during and after deployment.

Make a Difference Day is a national day of service that takes place on the fourth Saturday of October. The day was established in 1992 and is the largest community service effort in the nation. Each year, 3 million people participate worldwide, helping millions more.

Photos from the H.E.R.O.E.S. Care site can be found at flickr.com/photos/slu_healthsciences

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