Showing posts with label EDAC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EDAC. Show all posts

May 06, 2019

St. Louis Public Schools AT Clubs Wrap-up School Year with a Fun Day of Learning and Competition at SLU

Athletic Training Olympics and Health Professions Day
By: Kemba Noel-London MAT, ATC, CES

Athletic Training Olympics is a fun athletic training-based field day which is the way we wrap up AT Clubs at the end of the semester. SLU has sponsored the AT Clubs with the St. Louis Public Schools, through grant funding from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Ethnic Diversity Advisory Committee, for the past 5 years.

I was introduced to this concept on an AT Olympics during my last clinical rotation when I was a SLU AT student, at Webster Groves High School from my then clinical preceptor and the legend Sean Wright ATC. I remember thoroughly enjoying myself and saw how much his students also enjoyed having an avenue to compete and show their skills. Since then, I have taken it to any school where I have been involved in sports medicine education. I find that it is an amazing way to facilitate and encourage teamwork, communication and healthy competition, while also allowing students to enjoy the skills that they worked hard to learn. 

This year, with the introduction of an AT Club in a new Saint Louis Public School, we expanded the competition to be interscholastic rather than within the club. We wanted the students to take ownership and be protective over their clubs like any other team, with the long-term vision of the club being another avenue for them to represent their schools. 

This year's event, which took place on May 3rd at SLU’s Medical Center Campus, were: ankle taping, a 40-yard cooler carry and AT trivia “obstacle” course, ice bag making and stacking, and the coup de grace; a first responder simulation (inclusive of log rolling, as the students notified me of how often they practiced this particular skill). The students at Clyde C Miller Career Academy took the first ever “Golden Fanny Pack” award when they won the day over Roosevelt High School. 

Despite logistical challenges outside of our control, the kids had fun, and who knows, may be the start of a rivalry outside of sport. It is always a joy to create avenues for joy while also assessing the utility of our instructional methods for certain skills in the club. It is a good litmus test for how well we did that year and I look forward to it as much as the students. 

Prior to the Olympics, we had a health professions day in the SLU Allied Health Building, which include a Skype presentation from St. Louis native Murphy Grant, MS, ATC, LAT, Associate Athletic Director at University of Kansas and President of the NATA Intercollegiate Council for Sports Medicine, who imparted words of wisdom and answered some probing questions. 

They were also introduced to other health professions through a panel of faculty from the SLU Doisy College of Health Sciences and learned of the different pathways to achieve a degree in AT or other health professions. The key takeaway being, no path is the same. Whatever journey you take, do not lose sight of your goal, and see lack of representation is an opportunity not a barrier. 

Special shout out to SLU PY1 AT student Marissa Burch (MAT Class of 2020), who volunteered her time this semester to assist with the clubs. She came to each meeting ready and willing to assist and made the most of the opportunities that were presented to her. 

February 01, 2018

SLU AT Students Give Roosevelt HS Students a Day with the Billikens

Roosevelt High School Athletic Training Club
By: Cat Chua, Rory Cusack and Paul Lamb (SLU MAT Class of 2019)

On January 23rd, we took the Roosevelt High School (RHS) Athletic Training Club for a field trip to Saint Louis University (SLU). This club, sponsored by the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program and funded through an Ethnic Diversity Enhancement Grant from the National Athletic Trainers' Association Ethnic Diversity Advisory Committee is designed to nurture interest in athletic training and the health professions for students at RHS.  Kemba Noel-London MAT, ATC CES coordinates the RHS AT Club along with student mentors from the SLU AT Program.

First, we took the students on a tour of the SLU athletic training room. They learned about different modalities and treatments performed in the room. They also got to meet one of the basketball players. After the tour of the training room, the students went onto the basketball court to take some pictures before the game. Then we went to Grand Hall to eat dinner. We showed videos of injuries to the students and had conversations about what an athletic trainer does in those situations. Before going to the basketball game, the students got a tour of the Simon Rec Center. At the game, the high school students got to sit in the student section where they cheered along with the rest of the SLU students and fans, received cheer items from the people leading the student section, and even met the Billiken! The basketball game field trip was a great success and so much fun for all of us.

The students were able to experience the athletic training from from an athlete’s point of view and were able to ask many questions to both the Athletic Trainer and a few athletes. The students were extremely curious as to how an Division 1 athlete juggles basketball, course work, and social life. They asked how they athlete got their scholarship and how hard they worked in high school. The students then were asking us what our thoughts on how they can get to be like those D1 athletes, or the process of walking on to a team. The students from Roosevelt are all athletes themselves, and know what hard work it takes to stay on a team and be successful. As Athletic Training students, it gave us a chance to answer questions that we normally wouldn’t get in an athletic training facility, but from high school students that are genuinely interested in what it takes to be a healthcare professional or an athlete and what life is like in college. 

Moving forward in the semester, we plan on further exposing the students to the different roles and providers on a sports medicine health care team. Over the next few meetings, the students will have the opportunity to learn more about sports performance and how athletes prepare for a game through a discussion on eating like an athlete as well as preparing for a game through a presentation on training like an athlete. An additional field trip to the SLU Anatomy Lab will be an excellent chance for club members to understand topics we’ve discussed during club meetings in a more hands-on setting. Our goal at the beginning of the year was to get the high schoolers engaged in sports medicine, and present them with opportunities to see the many ways in which it can impact their lives and the lives of the people around them. Our field trip to the SLU basketball game helped advance that goal, and with so many exciting topics ahead of us, it’s hard not to be enthusiastic about what we’ll accomplish the rest of the year with the Roosevelt High School Athletic Training club!

April 02, 2017

SLU AT Student Presents Poster at SLU Graduate Student Association Research Symposium

On Friday, March 31, 2017, Saint Louis University Athletic Training student Amelia Meigs (MAT Class of 2017) presented a poster of her Master of Athletic Training Capstone Project: "The Development of Cultural Competence in Athletic Training Students Through Educational Outreach at a Diverse Public High School" at the SLU Graduate Student Association Research Symposium in the Busch Student Center.

The research examines the Roosevelt High School Athletic Training Club, funded by a National Athletic Trainers' Association Ethnic Diversity Enhancement Grant, and its impact on cultural competence for the SLU AT Students who serve as mentors in the program.  

Amelia has coordinated the program this year with Faculty Mentor Anthony Breitbach PhD, ATC; Doctoral Assistant Kemba Noel-London MAT, ATC; and fellow student Jenna Ginsberg (MAT Class of 2018).

Congratulations to Amelia and all involved in this project!

March 07, 2017

Saint Louis University Tips Off National AT Month at Chaifetz Arena

Saint Louis University's Department of Intercollegiate Athletics and Athletic Training Program joined forces to celebrate the start of National Athletic Training Month on March 1, 2017 in conjunction with a Billikens Men's Basketball victory vs the LaSalle Explorers at Chaifetz Arena.

Dr. Breitbach takes a pic with the SLU students who made this event a success.
There were many activities held that night to celebrate the event.  SLU's 13 Certified Athletic Trainers were recognized in a pregame announcement and presentation on the Chaifetz Arena video boards.

SLATS booth to promote the AT profession on the arena concourse.
The members of the SLU Athletic Training Society (SLATS) had an infomational booth on the arena concourse to promote #NATM2017.  They also had a Photo Booth to commemorate the event.

SLU President Dr. Fred Pestello joined in on the fun!
Additionally, the students in the Roosevelt High School Athletic Training Club also attended the event.  The RHS AT Club is sponsored for the 3rd straight year by the SLU AT Program through a grant from the National Athletic Trainers' Association Ethnic Diversity Advisory Council.  

RHS AT Club on the Chaifetz Arena court prior to the game.
The club utilizes SLU AT students to mentor and teach RHS students about AT and the health professions.

SLU staff member Petra Knight ATC takes time to talk to the RHS AT Club.
Thank you to all of the students, staff, faculty and administration that made this evening a great success!

November 29, 2016

The SLU AT Program Kicks Off the Third Year of the Roosevelt HS AT Club

2016-17 Roosevelt High School Athletic Training Club
By: Amelia Meigs (SLU MAT Class of 2017)

We had the first meeting of the 2016-2017 Roosevelt High School Athletic Training Club just two weeks ago. 

This is the third year of the RHS AT Club, which has been funded by an Ethnic Diversity Enhancement Grant from the National Athletic Trainers' Association Ethnic Diversity Advisory Committee.  A new development this year is that RHS now has an Athletic Trainer, Kemba Noel-London MAT, ATC (SLU MAT Class of 2012), who is pursuing a PhD in Health Management and Policy with an assistantship sponsored by the Doisy College of Health Sciences.
We met at Roosevelt with a group of about 15 students, and first introduced Saint Louis University Kemba, Dr. Breitbach and our mentors (Morgan Jasperson, Amelia Meigs, Brandi Burgett). First, I presented about what an athletic trainer is, what could make a person a good fit for an athletic training career, and how to become an athletic trainer.

Then we discussed what matters to the RHS students—a large focus of our club this year. We are aiming to meet the students where they are to provide them with the tools for a successful career in sports medicine based on their interests. We want to allow them to develop professionalism before entering a program, and allow them to understand the process of becoming an athletic trainer.
Then we got on to the real fun—teaching the students how to tape an ankle! All the Roosevelt High School students were excited to learn this new skill. Some of the students have been in our club all 3 years, and those students were able to assist their classmates in taping. I’m always surprised and amazed at the quality of the tape jobs by these first-time tapers—many of them are athletes and have an intuitive understanding of athletic training, even though this is the first year Roosevelt High School has an athletic trainer. 

Still to come this semester is a meeting with a Dietitian from Saint Louis University, a SLU basketball game, and much more!

January 29, 2016

SLU Starts Second Year of Athletic Training Outreach Program at Roosevelt HS

In 2015, the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program was awarded an Ethnic Diversity Enhancement Grant by the National Athletic Trainers' Association Ethnic Diversity Advisory Committee. The grant funds an Athletic Training Club at Roosevelt High School, a public high school in the city of St. Louis approximately one mile south of the SLU Medical Center campus.

The intent of the Roosevelt HS AT Club is to provide information and experience to the high school students interested in athletic training and health care with four experiential learning sessions conducted by SLU AT Students who serve as peer mentors in the program. 

On Thursday, January 28, 2016 the RHS AT Club started its second year with a session at the high school where the peer mentors introduced themselves and talked about the Athletic Training profession.   Then the students began an experiential session learning about and practicing athletic taping.  The next session will take place on the SLU campus on February 23, 2016.

The following SLU AT students served as peer mentors for the RHS AT Club at the first session:
Demeisha Crawford, Coordinator
Cara Bowton
Amelia Meigs
Michael Milek
Phillip Soncasie

March 05, 2015

SLU AT Students Host the Roosevelt AT Club On Campus for Learning and Basketball

The Roosevelt High School Athletic Training Club had their second meeting of the spring on the campus of Saint Louis University where they toured the facilities at Chaifetz Arena, learned about concussions, had dinner at Busch Student Center and attended the SLU Billikens Men's Basketball game vs St. Bonaventure.

SLU AT student Connor Doherty teaches about the Swim-Ex at Chaifetz Arena
The RHS AT Club is sponsored by the SLU AT Program and funded through an Ethnic Diversity Enhancement Grant from the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) Ethnic Diversity Advisory Committee (EDAC).  In February, they began with a meeting at RHS and look to take trips to Rams Park and Busch Stadium later in the spring.

It is coordinated by Jose' Mendez (MAT Class of 2015), who is currently on a SLU Graduate Education Diversity Fellowship, and AT Program Director Anthony Breitbach PhD, ATC who applied for and received the NATA EDAC Grant.  

SLU AT student Jose' Mendez leads a group discussion on concussion.
It utilizes a student mentor model where each SLU AT student involved works closely with 3 RHS students in hands-on learning designed to help inform the high school students about AT and nurture student interest in AT and other health professions.

SLU AT student Cara Bowton work with RHS students on using the SCAT 3 concussion  assessment.
SLU AT student Demeisha Crawford demonstrates balance testing for concussion.