Showing posts with label alumni. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alumni. Show all posts

July 04, 2018

SLU AT Program Faculty and Alumni have a Big Week in the Big Easy

Each year, the NATA Clinical Symposia and AT Expo provides a great opportunity for professional development and fellowship.  This year's meeting was no exception and the city of New Orleans provided a great site for convention's festivities!

One of the highlights of the NATA Convention is our Alumni Reception!  Over 50 alumni and friends attended this year's reception at the Olde NOLA Cookery on June 27th.

There were several educational presentations with SLU connections:

Katie Sniffen MS, ATC presented research from our interprofessional DPT/MAT Therapeutic Modalities course.
Program Director Anthony Breitbach PhD, ATC presented a poster on his interprofessional collaboration research.
SLU AT alum Tyler Wood MS, MAT, ATC presented his doctoral research from the University of Illinois.
Gatorade premiered a short film entitled "First on the Field" highlighting the experience of the NFL's first female athletic trainers.  SLU AT alum Hilary Stepansky MAT, ATC is featured in the video and served on a panel discussing her experiences with the Los Angeles Rams as one of six female AT's in the NFL.

The video of the presentation is available here: 

July 07, 2017

SLU AT Faculty and Alumni Have a Great Week at the NATA Meeting in Houston

Saint Louis University Faculty and Alumni look forward to the annual National Athletic Trainers' Association Clinical Symposia and AT Expo each year to provide a week of service, professional development and fellowship.  The 2017 NATA meeting was held from June 26-29 in downtown Houston, Texas.

Hilary Stepansky ATC presenting at NATA 2017
Hilary Stepansky MAT, ATC (SLU MAT Class of 2015) presented "Breaking the Glass Ceiling, Becoming a Female Athletic Trainer in the NFL" on Tuesday, June 27th. Hilary, who works with the Los Angeles Rams, is one of five women who have full-time staff athletic trainer positions in the National Football League. 

Dr. Breitbach with alum Kellie (Black) Fisher ATC at his presentation.
Faculty Kitty Newsham PhD, ATC and Anthony Breitbach PhD, ATC made "Special Topics" presentations on Thursday, June 29th.  Dr. Newsham presented "The Foot Core: Base of Stability" and Dr. Breitbach's topic was "Pedagogy Designed to Build a Foundation for Interprofessional Collaboration".

David O'Loughlin ATC, Dr. Breitbach and Demeisha Crawford ATC at EDAC Town Hall
Demeisha Crawford MAT, ATC (SLU MAT Class of 2016) also presented a poster on SLU's Ethnic Diversity Enhancement Grant at the NATA Ethnic Diversity Advisory Council's Town Hall on Wednesday, June 28th.

Andria Lampe ATC, Hilary Stepansky ATC and Will Rath ATC
An additional highlight of the week was the SLU Athletic Training Alumni Reception at Tejas Grill and Sports Bar on June 28th.

Demeisha Crawford ATC, Brad Bunten ATC, Ben Heimos ATC, Lizzy Kienstra ATC, Petra Knight ATC and Katie Sniffen ATC.

December 11, 2016

SLU AT Alums Return to Share their Experiences with Current Students

SLU Athletic Training Program Alumni Panel
By: Sarah Haenchen and Olivia Robinson (SLU MAT Class of 2017)

On November 28, 2016, the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Society (SLATS) hosted a panel of SLU athletic training alumni to talk to current athletic training students about their experiences and their jobs. Hilary Orf MAT, ATC (Class of 2013) works with Athletico at Westminster Christian Academy high school. Alex Sawyer MAT, ATC (Class of 2013) works in the college setting at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Kelly Peck MAT, ATC (Class of 2014) works in the industrial setting at Boeing with Work-Fit. 

It was fascinating to learn about the industrial setting because that is not a setting we are exposed to often. The AT students really enjoyed hearing the panelists talk about their clinical rotations as students and how our clinical rotations could lead to a job. The panelists also gave us great advice in the transition from being a student to a professional. This was a great event for the athletic training students to learn more about the different settings and prepare them for their future. 

August 17, 2016

SLU AT Alum Kemba Noel-London Returns to SLU to Pursue Doctorate

I'm Back!!!!
By: Kemba Noel-London MAT, ATC, CES (SLU MAT Class of 2012)

I am a Certified Athletic Trainer originally from the country of Trinidad and Tobago. I completed my BS in Exercise Science and Master of Athletic Training degrees at Saint Louis University in 2011 and 2012 respectively

After graduation, I went on to an internship at the University of South Carolina-Columbia. There, I was the Head Athletic Trainer for Swansea High School, Freshman Academy and Sandhills Middle School.  I also taught Sports Medicine at the high school as well as aided in the instruction of Musculoskeletal Evaluation courses at USC.

I returned to my twin island home in August 2013 and have been working at the international level with multiple national teams, including rugby and Women’s Soccer. I have also been a part of the Trinidad and Tobago Olympic Committee’s medical staff at the Commonwealth Games, Central American and Caribbean Games and PanAmerican Games. During my time at home, I joined the staff of Academy of Sport at the University of Trinidad and Tobago and was also the Athletic Trainer in residence at Movement Mechanics, a high performance facility.

I am excited to be returning to SLU to pursue a PhD in Public Health while also working with SLU and the school-based Mercy Clinic to care for all the students at Roosevelt High School.  I will also be a lab instructor for MAT classes at SLU.

Go Billikens!

March 29, 2015

Program Alum Provides a Special Experience for SLU AT Students at Westminster

SLU AT Clinical Site Spotlight - Westminster Christian Academy
By: Ju Kim (MAT Class of 2015) and Rachel Spika (MAT Class of 2016)

We are very fortunate to have been placed at Westminster Christian Academy for our spring clinical rotation. Our clinical education experience has been unique in that we have an all-SLU Athletic Training workforce. Ju is a PY2, Rachel is a PY1, and our preceptor, Hilary Orf MAT, ATC graduated from the SLU AT program in 2013. Having a preceptor who shares mutual experiences with her students has been extremely beneficial because she understands our course loads and how our classes are taught, and she is familiar with the program layout and its faculty. She is a great resource for questions not only about academic material but also about how best to prepare for the BOC exam and what to expect with graduating and the job search. If ever there is down time (which is rare) Hilary asks about what we are learning in class and she is extremely willing to explain concepts and help us practice evaluations and techniques on one another. This has provided us with many opportunities to learn from each other and keep our knowledge sharp.

The busy, fast-paced environment at Westminster never fails to keep us on our toes. Once the school bell rings at 3pm, we can expect to work up a sweat trying to keep up with the steady stream of students coming in and out of the athletic training room for taping, stretching, and rehab exercises. And just when it seems like there may be time to take a breather once practices get under way, more athletes come through the door in need of injury evaluations. Since the beginning of the spring sports season, we have been trying to get outside to enjoy the weather and make sure our athletes are staying healthy out on the fields. But we have been so busy caring for injured athletes in the athletic training room that this has proven difficult. Something is always going on, and there is always someone who needs something from one of us. This is not a problem, however, because days like those provide us with increased opportunities to practice and enhance our skills. Hilary fully involves us in the injury evaluation, rehab, and documentation processes. She often has us gather a history and take a look at an injury before she does, so that we can practice those skills as well as form a potential diagnosis to discuss.

Rachel Spika; Hilary Orf MAT, ATC and Ju Kim
With each athlete we see, we can feel our skills improving, and that can largely be credited to Hilary and the learning environment she creates at Westminster Christian Academy. Our questions often lead to lengthy discussions from which we all benefit. We are extremely thankful for our clinical experience at Westminster and we look forward to the upcoming games that will officially kick off our spring sports season.

This is one of a series of posts by the Saint Louis University Athletic Training students featuring their clinical site and their preceptors. The number, quality and diversity of clinical instruction are major assets for the SLU AT Program.

July 01, 2014

SLU AT Program Has a Busy Week at the NATA Meeting in Indianapolis

The National Athletic Trainers' Association 65th Clinical Symposia and AT Expo took place in Indianapolis, Indiana on June 25-28, 2014.  In addition to participation in professional development and committee work, SLU AT Faculty participated as presenters in the event.

Dr. Kitty Newsham presented a poster entitled "Three Minute All-Out Test as a Diagnostic Challenge for Exercise-Induced Dyspnea, A Pilot Study" in the Free Communications Session on Thursday, June 26, 2014.

Dr. Kitty Newsham
Dr. Anthony Breitbach participated as a presenter in a Feature Presentation entitled "Interprofessional Management of the Diabetic Athletic" along with SLU AT Medical Director Dr. Tyler Wadsworth, St. Louis College of Pharmacy faculty Dr. Amy Drew and SLU Nutrition and Dietetics faculty Dr. Katie Eliot on Friday, June 27, 2014.

Dr. Katie Eliot, Dr. Tyler Wadsworth, Dr. Anthony Breitbach and Dr. Amy Drew
Dr. Drew and Dr. Wadsworth were interviewed on "NATA-TV"'s recap of the Friday activities.  See the video here (starting at 6 min mark): NATA-TV, Friday June 27, 2014 Highlights

The SLU AT Program, along with the Alumni Office at SLU, hosted an event on the evening of Friday, June 27, 2014 for SLU Alumni and friends at Ike and Jonesy's Restaurant in Indianapolis.

SLU AT Alums Sarah Hall, ATC Derrick Neuner ATC, Lizzy Kienstra ATC and Jacob Blasingame ATC at SLU Alumni Reception.
Overall, it was an outstanding week of scholarship, service and fellowship!

We look forward to welcoming the 66th NATA Clinical Symposia and AT Expo to St. Louis on June 23-27, 2015.

June 30, 2013

Great Week at NATA Annual Meeting in Las Vegas for the SLU AT Program!

Alums enjoying the SLU AT Alumni Reception at Hussong's Cantina.
The Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program enjoyed a great week of professional development and fellowship at the NATA Annual Meeting and Symposium in Las Vegas, NV.  This year's event was the largest NATA meeting ever, featuring over 15,000 participants.  The NATA also revealed a new logo at the meeting.

Highlights for the SLU AT Program included presentations by faculty and staff members Tony Breitbach,  Kitty Newsham and Leslie Neistadt; with faculty members Tim Howell and Mike Markee serving in roles moderating presentations and serving as lab instructors.  The SLU Alumni reception had over 30 attendees on June 25th at Hussong's Cantina.  The SLU AT program attended its initial World Federation of Athletic Training and Therapy (WFATT) meeting and faculty members were also active in their respective committee meetings.

Faculty members at SLU AT Alumni Reception.
The NATA Annual Meeting is always a special experience and, as our program grows, it gets better every year!  We are already looking forward to the 2014 meeting in Indianapolis!

June 20, 2013

SLU AT Faculty Ready for a Busy Week at the NATA Annual Meeting in Las Vegas

This year, the National Athletic Trainers' Association will be hosting its 64th Annual Meeting and Symposium at the Mandalay Bay South Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV.  It begins on Monday, June 24th and ends of Thursday June 27th.  The core faculty of the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program and numerous students and alumni will also be in attendance.  All will be busy with committee meetings, presentations, social events and other professional development.  Listed below is a schedule of the events related to SLU, to get the entire program go to:

Monday June 24th

4:00pm - 6:00pm
Journal of Athletic Training Manuscript Reviewers' Workshop
South Seas I
Managing Editor: Leslie Neistadt, Saint Louis University

Tuesday June 25th

8:15-10:15 am
Maximizing Opportunities for Interprofessional Education in Athletic Training
Presented by the NATA Executive Committee for Education
South Seas B
Anthony Breitbach, PhD, ATC, Saint Louis University and Panel of Speakers
Moderator: Sara Brown, MS, ATC, Boston University

1:15pm - 3:15pm
Learning Lab: Shortness of Breath During Exercise: Differential Diagnoses
Banyan D
Kitty Newsham, PhD, ATC, Saint Louis University
Moderator: Michelle Boyd, MS, ATC, Truman State University

7:00-9:00 pm
Athletic Training Education Program Alumni Reception
Hussong's Cantina
The Shoppes of Mandalay Place

Wednesday, June 26th

9:15am - 11:15am
Learning Lab: Muscle Energy Technique to Treat Painful Lumbar Spine Mobility Deficits
Palm A
Scott Lawrance, DHS, ATC, MSPT, University of Indianapolis
Lab Instructors: Timothy Howell, EdD, ATC, CSCS & Mike Markee ATC, PT, OCS, COMT, Saint Louis University

Thursday, June 27th

10:30am - 11:15am
Peer-Reviewed Poster Presentation: #119-The Relationship Between Candidate Psychological Factors and First-Attempt Pass Rate on the Board of Certification Examination
Shorelines A
Anthony Breitbach, PhD, ATC, Saint Louis University, Darcy Downey EdD, ATC, Austin (TX) High School and Alfred Frager MS, Saint Louis University

1:15pm - 3:15pm
Learning Lab: Benefits of Tabata in a Rehabilitation Setting
Banyan D
Theresa Miyashita, PhD, ATC, PES, Metropolitan State
University of Denver
Moderator: Timothy Howell, EdD, ATC, CSCS, Saint Louis University

May 21, 2013

SLU AT Student Bridget Quirk Named College's Post-Baccalaureate Graduating Student of the Year

Saint Louis University Athletic Training Graduate Bridget Quirk (MAT Class of 2013) was named the Post-Baccalaureate Graduating Student of the Year by the Doisy College of Health Sciences Alumni Board.  The award was announced at the College Pre-Commencement Ceremony on Thursday, May 16, 2013 at Chaifetz Arena.

Bridget, the daughter of Tim and Margaret Quirk, is from Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin.  She entered into the AT Program at SLU after receiving her Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2011.  She also has a sister, Kelsey, in the Nursing program at SLU.

Her accomplishments at SLU included:
  • 4.0 cumulative GPA
  • 2012 NATA Foundation Scholarship winner (first in SLU history)
  • 2013 SLU Graduate Research Symposium presenter (first in AT program history)
  • Member of Alpha Eta, Alpha Sigma Nu and Iota Tau Alpha honor societies
  • Tutor for Basic Anatomy and Gross Anatomy courses
  • Peer teacher for MAT 501 - Principles of Athletic Training
Congratulations Bridget!

June 30, 2012

NATA Meeting Wraps Up a Great Week in St. Louis

Saint Louis University's Athletic Training faculty, staff and students had a great week as St. Louis hosted the National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting and Symposium from June 26-29, 2012.  In addition to enjoying a week of professional development and fellowship they served as speakers, learning lab instructors, moderators and volunteers for the events.  Some of the students also worked at the trade show where exhibitors needed extra help at their booths.  Highlights of the week included faculty member Kitty Newsham Phd, ATC receiving an Athletic Training Service Award and SLU Athletic Training Student Bridget Quirk receiving a NATA Foundation Scholarship.  The SLU AT Program worked with the Doisy College Alumni Association to host a well attended Alumni Reception at The Dubliner.
Bridget Quirk (SLU MAT Class of 2013) receiving the NATA Foundation Scholarship.
Great crowd for Dr. Reinking, Dr. Wadsworth and Dr. Bennett's Tendinopathy presentation on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 in the Ferrara Auditorium.

Good crowd and a great setting at The Dubliner for the Alumni Reception on Thursday, June 28, 2012.

SLU MAT Class of 2013 students Hilary Orf, Rachel Cocek and Katie Schneebeck with MAT Class of 2012 graduates JJ Hannigan an Leah Egeland.

SLU MAT Class of 2014 students Abby Breseman, Cat Costello, Michelle Cybulski, Nick Gastorf and Mary Rhatigan take a study break from Gross Anatomy to join the Alumni Reception.

Aaron Borgmann, Dr. Mark Reinking, Drew Graul, Casandra Douthit and Aaron Stoll

Dr. Tyler Wadsworth, Amy Schork, Meghan Gehrs (MAT '11), Lori Khazen, Jacob Blasingame (MAT '11), Laura Gosewisch Norberg (MAT '11)

Heather King (MAT '11), Emily Monahan (MAT '11), Dr. Jason Bennett and Theresa Panka.

The teaching team for the Tendinopathy Learning Lab on Friday June 29,2012: Dr. Mark Reinking, Dr. Tim Howell, Dr. Kitty Newsham, Jonathan Burch, Angie Wills, Theresa Panka, Dr. Jason Bennett, Miya Sullivan and Dr. Tony Breitbach.

Moderator Jonathan Burch (middle) with presenters Dr. Tony Breitbach (left) and Dr. Paul Nativi (right) before the Academy of Sports Dentistry presentation on Friday, June 29, 2012.

January 19, 2012

Doisy College of Health Sciences Hosts Trivia Night

Doisy College of Health Sciences Trivia Night

Head back to school and test your knowledge at the Doisy College of Health Sciences Trivia Night. The night will include trivia games, door prizes, a silent auction, and a cash prize for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place tables in our trivia competition. Complimentary beer, wine, soda and snacks will be provided, but feel free to bring your own treats. All proceeds from this event benefit the Doisy College of Health Sciences Alumni Association Scholarship Fund. This event is sponsored by the Doisy College of Health Sciences Alumni Association.     

Please register by February 17. Last year's event sold out so don't wait to register! Doors open at 6 p.m. Questions begin at 7 p.m.  We ask that all attendees are over the age of 21.
Contact Information
Melissa Weaver
(314) 977-7825
Date & Location
Date: February 25, 2012
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Allied Health Building
Multipurpose Room 3rd Floor
3437 Caroline Mall Drive
St. Louis, MO 63104

Parking is available in the Hickory East garage (located at Theresa Ave. and Hickory St.)

December 03, 2011

Faculty Presentations Highlight Doisy Alumni Event at Chaifetz Arena

On Saturday, December 3, 2011, the Doisy College of Health Sciences Alumni Association featured its 2nd annual "Blackboard to Backboard" event at Chaifetz Arena prior to the Billikens Men's Basketball game versus the University of Portland.  It featured the link between what is being studied in the classroom and what happens on the court and/or field.  The theme was concussion management with presentations by faculty members Dr. Anthony Breitbach (Athletic Training), Dr. Christine Werner (Physician Assistant) and Crystal Botkin (Nuclear Medical Technology) as well as a welcome from Dr. Charlotte Royeen, Dean of the the Doisy College.  It also consisted of tours of the Chaifetz Arena's sports medicine and strength training facilities, hosted by Jonathan Burch and Erick Schork from SLU athletics.  Dinner was also provided in Lorenzini's Restaurant in the arena prior to the 73-53 win by the Billikens.

The tour included the state of the art Chaifetz Arena sports medicine facilities.
Basketball games at SLU are always fun events!

October 26, 2011

SLU AT Program Director to Speak at Second Annual "Blackboard to Backboard" Event

SLU Athletic Training Education Program Director Tony Breitbach will join fellow Doisy faculty members Crystal Botkin and Christine Werner in presenting the second annual "Blackboard to Backboard" event sponsored by the Doisy College Alumni Association at Chaifetz Arena before the Billikens Men's Basketball game vs. Portland on December 3, 2011.  For more info or to register go to:

January 18, 2011

SLU AT Faculty Highlight "Blackboard to Backboard" Alumni Event

On Saturday, January 15, 2011 the Doisy College of Health Sciences Alumni Board sponsored a program where faculty members from the Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training and the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics presented on topics that affect athletes, especially Billiken athletes.

The presentations were:
Returning to sport after injury: When is the athlete ready?
Jason Bennett, PT, SCS, ATC

"Wheezing": Is this exercise induced asthma or something else?
Kitty Newsham PhD, ATC

Fuel your sport: The importance of nutrition education for athletes.
Jamie Joyner, RD, LD

It also featured a tour of the Chaifetz Arena Athletic Training and Strength Facilities and tickets to the basketball game against St. Joseph's, a Billikens victory.

Billiken Strength Coach Erick Schork leads a tour of the Strength and Conditioning facility.

Billiken Head Athletic Trainer Jonathan Burch addresses the participants in the Athletic Training Room.

December 07, 2010

"Blackboard to Backboard" Alumni Event Features Doisy College Professions at Home Men's Basketball Game

The Doisy College of Health Sciences Alumni Association invites Doisy College of Health Sciences alumni to an event on Saturday, January 15, at Chaifetz Arena for a look at how SLU is incorporates the latest trends in sports medicine to help prepare athletes for success, and then cheer on the Billikens as the men's basketball team takes on St. Joseph's University. This special event will include a private tour of the athletic training room and the strength and conditioning facility in the Arena, presentations by Doisy College of Health Sciences' faculty members, lunch, and a ticket to the game.
Returning to sport after injury: When is the athlete ready?
Jason Bennett, PT, SCS, ATC

"Wheezing": Is this exercise induced asthma or something else?
Kitty Newsham PhD, ATC

Fuel your sport: The importance of nutrition education for athletes.
Jamie Joyner, RD, LD

Tour and program begin at 10:30 a.m. Game begins at 1:00 p.m.

Cost $25 per person R.S.V.P. by January 7.

Register now. Limited spots are available for this event!
Register at:

Already have tickets for the game?
Register for the program and lunch portion of the event for $10 per person.

Sponsored by the Doisy College of Health Sciences Alumni Association.

Contact Information
Melissa Weaver
3525 Caroline Mall, SoN 5th Floor
St. Louis, MO 63104