Showing posts with label schultheiss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label schultheiss. Show all posts

March 22, 2022

SLU AT Students Experience the Importance of Communication in Health Care at Washington University

SLU AT Clinical Site Spotlight - Washington University
By: Sydney Nash (MAT Class of 2022), Muharem Komic and Eldwin Neritani (MAT Class of 2023)

During this clinical experience at Washington University with preceptors Chris Schultheiss ATC, Amanda Luskey ATC and Jackee Hill ATC, we have already learned a lot. We have learned about how important the dynamic between athletic trainers in a collegiate setting like Wash U really is. Being able to properly communicate with and interact with your coworkers is a necessity to be able to establish any sort of proper dynamic and communication with the athletes. If none of the athletic trainers are on the same page, that makes giving proper healthcare to the athletes much more difficult than it needs to be.

The transition of care is also very important with there being a new hire and them being put in charge of a team that a previous athletic trainer oversaw. Seeing the transition of care was a learning experience because the new hire must build up trust with the athletes that the previous athletic trainer already had. Another characteristic picked up while at Wash U is trust. It is a very important aspect of the receival of care with an athlete. They tend to be more open about their healing process and how they are doing and be more honest with you. Overall, it has been a very educational experience and being exposed to a variety of modalities old and new to me was very intriguing. We have also experienced assisting in rehabilitation programs for injuries and just learning and picking up on all aspects of athletic training and adapting to it with what we already know.

Wash U provides many experiences in not only the medical side of Athletic Training but the administrative side as well. During my experience here we have been immersed into the documentation side of athletic training with not only learning how to use the record system but also learning techniques to keep track of treatments and best way to do so. We have gained so many new methods for recording treatment as well as injury updates. Wash U provides experiences in all aspects of Athletic Training and is preparing us to become adept Athletic Trainers.

This is one of a series of posts by the Saint Louis University Athletic Training students featuring their clinical site and their preceptors. The number, quality and diversity of clinical instruction are major assets for the SLU AT Program.

October 04, 2021

SLU AT Students Enjoy Numerous Clinical Learning Opportunities with Washington University

SLU AT Clinical Site Spotlight - Washington University in St. Louis Athletics
By: Emily Haley, Anastasia Galo, Mason Remeis, Alex Smith (SLU MAT Class of 2023) and Sydney Nash (SLU MAT Class of 2022)

Our clinical experience at Washington University, with preceptors Chris Schultheiss ATC,  Jackee Hill ATC and  Amanda Lusky ATC,  we have primarily been caring for football and have had many opportunities to witness and take care of injuries including ACL tears, patellar subluxation, Achilles tendon rupture, AC joint separation, shoulder dislocation and many more. With the number of injuries from pre-season camp and now, we have had ample opportunity to either create rehab plans or assist in executing rehab with the players. 

This experience has given us many opportunities to use modalities that many places do not have like laser, an underwater treadmill, and Hiva mat. Since the sports medicine doctors are frequently at our site, we have also had the opportunity to sit in on and take notes on evaluations as well as the ability to observe suturing. 

The PY1’s have learned a lot from this first clinical experience so far and have been building up our skill sets. We have practiced a lot of taping, compression wrapping, wound care, taken histories, assisted with pre-season physicals, observed on field evaluations, and have just begun to practice evals on the foot and ankle. Wash U is a great learning environment for us as there is always something happening. 

Sydney, a PY2, has had the ability to practice her evaluation skills on athletes as well as learning the administration side of athletic training. She has had many opportunities to assist in physicals and paperwork regarding them which has been an amazing experience to prepare me for my future experience. Being able to be at this clinical site with all of the PY1’s has been an amazing and fun experience.

This is one of a series of posts by the Saint Louis University Athletic Training students featuring their clinical site and their preceptors. The number, quality and diversity of clinical instruction are major assets for the SLU AT Program.