April 20, 2011

SLU AT Study Abroad Opportunity - Spain

¡Hala Madrid!
by: Adriana Black, Athletic Training Student
SLU MAT Class of 2013

I went to Madrid for my study abroad semester. I went the first semester of my Junior year; as that is the semester that is set for most Doisy students to study abroad. Though it was a lighter credit-wise workload, it did not mean that I learned any less from it all. I was challenged in my classes and truly felt it helped develop my holistic education. I enjoyed my professors in each of my classes and gaining a new perspective about the coursework. It was also beneficial to meet new students and learn from their experiences. Overall, studying abroad was one of the best experiences I have had not just while in college but in my life thus far.
While in Madrid, I had the pleasure of taking IPE 350: Healthcare Systems and Promotion. Due to the critical topic, engaging class, but most of all the inspirational professor, it easily became my favorite class in college. The class was half lecture half discussion, but the lectures themselves turned into discussions with all of the analytical questions that the professor would pose. The way to do well in the class was not to just do the work - it delved deeper than that by having students think critically and on a global-scale.

Analyzing the healthcare systems worldwide sheds some new light on our own healthcare system in place in the United States. Learning about the other systems in this class became a compare and contrast session where different viewpoints were scrutinized and issues were tackled. Looking at the these systems from this macro perspective helped in understanding the social justice and global issues that face our world today.

The IPE 350 class not only taught me about our U.S. healthcare system and global healthcare systems, but global issues that face healthcare professionals daily. As a future healthcare provider, it was important and necessary to be informed enough to assess all of these issues to someday be able to bring them to an end.

Adriana Black (far left) with friends in Madrid.
I am a Junior in the Master's of Athletic Training program at Saint Louis University. Though my experiences thus far at SLU have done everything to exceed my expectations, my study abroad experience truly encapsulates the reasons why I have thoroughly enjoyed my college experience. I am now a firm believer and strong advocate for students studying abroad in college when given the opportunity.

This is one of several posts featuring SLU AT Student study abroad experiences.  Because of its 3-2 format, the SLU AT program gives students a unique ability to study abroad.  For more information about study abroad experiences at SLU go to: http://www.slu.edu/x26920.xml .

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