This year, the National Athletic Trainers' Association will be hosting its 64th Annual Meeting and Symposium at the Mandalay Bay South Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV. It begins on Monday, June 24th and ends of Thursday June 27th. The core faculty of the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program and numerous students and alumni will also be in attendance. All will be busy with committee meetings, presentations, social events and other professional development. Listed below is a schedule of the events related to SLU, to get the entire program go to:
Monday June 24th
4:00pm – 6:00pm
Journal of Athletic Training Manuscript Reviewers' Workshop
South Seas I
Managing Editor: Leslie Neistadt, Saint Louis University
Tuesday June 25th
8:15-10:15 am
Maximizing Opportunities for Interprofessional Education in
Athletic Training
Presented by the NATA Executive Committee for Education
South Seas B
Anthony Breitbach, PhD, ATC, Saint Louis University and
Panel of Speakers
Moderator: Sara Brown, MS, ATC, Boston University
1:15pm – 3:15pm
Learning Lab: Shortness of Breath During Exercise:
Differential Diagnoses
Banyan D
Kitty Newsham, PhD, ATC, Saint Louis University
Moderator: Michelle Boyd, MS, ATC, Truman State University
7:00-9:00 pm
The Shoppes of Mandalay Place
Wednesday, June 26th
9:15am – 11:15am
Learning Lab: Muscle Energy Technique to Treat Painful
Lumbar Spine Mobility Deficits
Palm A
Scott Lawrance, DHS, ATC, MSPT, University of Indianapolis
Lab Instructors: Timothy Howell, EdD, ATC, CSCS & Mike
Markee ATC, PT, OCS, COMT, Saint Louis University
Thursday, June 27th
10:30am – 11:15am
Peer-Reviewed Poster Presentation: #119-The Relationship Between Candidate Psychological
Factors and First-Attempt Pass Rate on the Board of Certification Examination
Shorelines A
Anthony Breitbach, PhD, ATC, Saint Louis University, Darcy
Downey EdD, ATC, Austin (TX) High School and Alfred Frager MS, Saint Louis
1:15pm – 3:15pm
Learning Lab: Benefits of Tabata in a Rehabilitation Setting
Banyan D
Theresa Miyashita, PhD, ATC, PES, Metropolitan State
University of Denver
Moderator: Timothy Howell, EdD, ATC, CSCS, Saint Louis