December 20, 2013

SLU AT Student Association Conducts Holiday Toy and Book Drives

SLATS Spreads Christmas Joy with Books and Toys 
By: Kayla Kelley and Andria Lampe (MAT Class of 2015)

The Saint Louis University Athletic Training Society (SLATS) recently held a toy and book drive to benefit children and their families in the Saint Louis community. The toy drive was set up through Children’s Hospital, while the book drive was through a program called Reach Out and Read. Both programs captured our hearts. You see, some children do not have the opportunity to spend much time at home with their families this holiday season because they are fighting a battle of their own. As a program, we wanted to give these children the best holiday we could with the goal of putting smiles on their faces and warming their hearts.
Reach Out and Read is a pediatric literacy program where doctors give books to children in need, ages six months to five years of age, and encourages their parents to read aloud to their children so they may grow up with a love of reading and books. We wanted to give children the same opportunities we had as children. Every door is open to these young children. Fostering a love of learning could take them great places regardless of their background.

We found that the toy drive for Children’s Hospital and the book drive for Reach Out and Read was a great way for us to give back to our community. For more information, visit their websites at and If you are interested in making a donation, I would encourage you to do so—you can make a huge impact on the lives of young children and their families. Both organizations accept donations year round. We look forward to another successful toy and book drive next year.

Wishing everyone safe travels and a happy holiday season!

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