October 31, 2022

SLU AT Students Apply Knowledge and Skills in Team Approach with SLU Billikens Men's Basketball

SLU AT Clinical Site Spotlight - Saint Louis University Athletics 
By: Stacie Galo and Eldwin Neritani (MAT Class of 2023)

During our clinical experience SLU Men’s Basketball, we have been fortunate to learn from our preceptor Jonathan Burch ATC and the rest of the athletic training staff. On top of the athletic training staff at SLU, we have had the opportunity to talk to and interact with the rest of the sports medicine staff as well, including team physician Dr. Kaar. We have been able to apply the knowledge and skills we have learned over the last year from our previous clinical rotations and classes to help the athletes however we can. Being able to be a part of this staff and to work with these high-level athletes has been a great experience that has been a great step into us learning how to manage ourselves as we grow in the profession.

The time we have spent so far applying our knowledge and seeing how thing are done here has been very worthwhile. Even though it is still early in the season, we have already been tasked with providing treatment to the athletes. Utilizing the variety of modalities SLU has to offer, we have a good opportunity to be creative in our treatment plans and experience everything there is to offer in the athletic training room. Being part of this high-level environment has also been quite the learning experience, as we both have learned more about the dynamics and relationships between medical staff, coaches, and players. Having the chance to work with this team has given us a great hands-on experience that has been valuable in our growth as athletic training students, and soon to be certified athletic trainers. One of the biggest changes we have experienced as PY2s at SLU is the larger number of responsibilities we have. This includes keeping records and logging all injuries and treatments of the players, as well as having more freedom and input in what we think would be a good choice of action for treatment and rehabilitation.

As the season progresses, we have enjoyed the experience of preparing for the start of the official season. Being able to learn from the athletic training staff and learn their approaches and practices has been great to help us tailor how we want to approach things as well. This has been a great experience so far and will only get more exciting as the season truly begins.

This is one of a series of posts by the Saint Louis University Athletic Training students featuring their clinical site and their preceptors. The number, quality and diversity of clinical instruction are major assets for the SLU AT Program.

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