May 13, 2013

SLU AT Clinical Site Spotlight - Webster Groves High School

Springtime with the Statesmen!
By: Adriana Black (MAT Class of 2013) and Angelo Bongiorno (MAT Class of 2014)

As the school year wraps up for us as Saint Louis University students, the school year is also coming to an end for all of our high school athletes at Webster Groves High School (WGHS). It leaves behind such a bittersweet feeling for us. We do not know how an experience could get any better than our experience here at WGHS: winning sport teams, supportive faculty and staff, obedient students, involved parents, and above everything an influential leader in our clinical preceptor.

Over the spring semester, we have had a diverse number of experiences while covering a handful of sports. Our semester began primarily covering boys’ basketball and wrestling. Both teams went on to have longer seasons due to their successes. With those being our primary sport focuses, during the winter months, we were able to put our rehabilitation techniques to use and practice. Whenever we were not covering the at-home basketball games and wrestling meets, we were in the athletic training room rehabbing the injured athletes. Because the fall season sports had just ended, we were able to help rehab athletes that had just finished their season, as well. This consisted of a lot of chronic injuries that the athletes had played with throughout the season.

March was a transition month for the athletics program at WGHS. The winter sports had ended and the spring sports were beginning their training regimen. The spring sports at WGHS consist of the following: baseball, boys’ golf, boys’ tennis, boys’ volleyball, girls’ lacrosse, and girls’ soccer.  After being inside for the winter sports and rehab, it was definitely a breath of fresh air, literally, to get back outside. It was also particularly exciting due to the fact that the spring sports kept winning. Even with us done with our clinical rotations, some of our sports are still playing because they moved past districts. Girls’ soccer has had their best season in history and claimed the conference championship. The Boys’ volleyball team advance to the state championship for the fourth time in five years. Working with high school sports of this caliber has been exciting; from watching the games to seeing the athletes succeed. It has also been challenging, as so many athletes have been plagued with injury in some way; ranging from concussions, to fractures, to chronic injuries they have faced for years. With their teams’ winning streaks, we are tested on rehabbing the athletes’ musculoskeletal injuries and returning them to play as soon as possible.

All in all, it has been the best possible experience for us at Webster Groves High School. We recommend it to all future SLU athletic training students. It is an ideal middle ground where although it is a high school setting, the intensity and focus on sports is powerful and exhilarating. Most importantly, the mentorship that our preceptor gave us throughout our time at WGHS has been pivotal to our development as future healthcare providers.

Thanks for a great season, Statesmen! 

This is one of a series of posts by the Saint Louis University Athletic Training students featuring their clinical site and their preceptors. The number, quality and diversity of clinical instruction are major assets for the SLU AT Program.

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