January 17, 2014

SLU AT Honor Society Features Presentation on Mental Health and the Athlete

The Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program and the Alpha Iota Chapter of Iota Tau Alpha present:
Mental Health and the Athlete

Monday February 10, 2014
Wall Auditorium in the Education Union of Saint Louis University’s Medical Center Campus. 
Park in the Hickory East Garage at Theresa and Hickory Streets (Off Chouteau Ave)

At 6:30pm the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program will be hosting our annual Iota Tau Alpha initiation ceremony.  Following the initiation ceremony at 7pm there will be a presentation on "Mental Health and the Athlete" by Michael Ross PhD and Tim Neal MS, ATC.

Mr. Neal is the Assistant Athletics Director/Sports Medicine at Syracuse University.
He chaired the 2013 NATA Recommendations in “Developing a Plan to Recognize and Refer Student-Athletes with Psychological Concerns at the Collegiate Level Consensus Statement”, and again is serving as chair of the NATA Consensus Statement, “Recommendations in Developing a Plan to Recognize and Refer Athletes with Psychological Concerns at the Secondary School”.  He also authored the “Catastrophic Incident in Athletics” guideline, and authored revisions in the “Mental Health: Interventions for Intercollegiate Athletics” guideline in the NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook.

Dr. Ross is a Professor and Director of Clinical Graduate Program in the SLU Department of Psychology.
He teaches Psychology of Sport and Injury in the SLU AT Program and serves as the Faculty Athletic Representative for the SLU Department of Athletics.

It is open to the public. Please forward this to anyone who may be interested in attending!

We request that anyone who plans on attending complete the Google form at the following link by Monday, February 6th. https://docs.google.com/a/slu.edu/forms/d/1HyNqTE0Jl31qmfCMvSIcNjWDhZVRC6TXyKTWs-ZhNtM/viewform

 For more information contact the SLU AT Program at 314-977-8561 or atep@slu.edu.

Saint Louis University is recognized by the Board of Certification, Inc. to offer continuing education for Certified Athletic Trainers. This program has been approved for a maximum of (1.5) hours of Category A continuing education.

January 15, 2014

SLU AT Student Profiled in Universitas Magazine

Saint Louis University Athletic Training Student Michael Milek (MAT Class of 2018) was featured in a story in the SLU magazine "Universitas".  The article featured how Michael was awarded the Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship and the role it played in his decision to attend SLU.

See the entire issue of Universitas online.
Learn more about the Martin Luther King Jr.Scholarship Program.