Spring semester seemed to fly by with activities such as the Iota Tau Alpha initiation and the Bowl-A-Thon. And, of course, there was graduation. The MAT class of 2014 is now out among the population, many already with gainful employment. I’m certain the MAT class of 2015 is looking to get through this year quickly and turn that BSES into an MAT degree.
It has been exciting welcoming six new post-baccalaureate students to our program. They enter the program in the MAT 2016 cohort. Along with their fellow PY1 students, they are braving the summer of Gross Anatomy and MAT 501, Principles of Athletic Training. This is a transition summer where students first experience the professional phase. It is challenging for certain, but there are many people and resources available to help the students not only make it through the courses, but really get a good grasp on what they are learning. I have noticed numerous students taking advantage of these resources. Keep up the good work!
Meanwhile the PY2 students are busy at their internship sites across the country—and beyond. One of our students is in Madrid! It is great to know that our students are afforded these opportunities. I’m can’t wait to hear their stories when they return. A student always seems to have a great fervor for Athletic Training after a summer internship.
I have made it my goal this summer to learn the names and faces of every student in the professional phase as soon as I can. It’s not that I don’t already know who the students are. I know them very well. I am just very bad with names. So, as the students make flash card to learn various parts of anatomy, I have made flash cards of the students’ names and faces. It’s going well so far, but I must say that several of the young men resemble one another considerably. So, if you are a student, especially a young man, please forgive me if I look at you a little more closely when you come in the office. I am simply considering what your name is.
Speaking of the students, I have always said that I have the best students in the world. Once again that was recently demonstrated when my brother lost his battle to leukemia. The faculty members first jumped in with unparalleled support. Then, as word spread, the students each individually signed a sympathy card for me.
It was all very touching. I cannot say enough how much I love this job. If it weren't for this job, I wouldn't be able to be around all of these wonderful students and faculty members each day. As I've said before, I am blessed.
"News From the Front Desk" by Jennifer Baine is a regular column that features a look inside the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program. Jennifer greets all of the program's visitors and works with the faculty to make sure our students have the best possible experience.