September 23, 2011

Advocates for Injured Athletes Foundation Looks to Place Certified Athletic Trainers in Every High School

The Advocates for Injured Athletes Foundation, founded by Tommy and Beth Mallon in response to the care Tommy received by Athletic Trainer Riki Kirchoff after Tommy suffered a cervical spine injury in a high school lacrosse game. 

AIA's Mission:
To help keep athletes safe

AIA's Goal:
To eventually have a certified athletic trainer on every high school campus in America

A traumatic injury leaves athletes and their families in a state of shock and chaos. Three million to five million injuries occur on the athletic field every year in the U.S. in both competition and recreation. Our mission is to provide education, resources, and support programs that will help injured athletes thrive.

Through our programs and strategic alliances, AIA seeks to strengthen injury prevention in high school sports by promoting the use of Certified Athletic Trainers. In addition, we will provide grants that enable high schools to employ full-time athletic trainers and will work to identify injured athletes that can benefit from our support network and resource center.

Go to the AIA website:

September 14, 2011

Faculty Member Interviewed on National Radio Program

Dr. Jason Bennett, faculty member in the SLU Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training, was interviewed by Jon Grayson, from the nationally syndicated radio show Overnight America.  He was interviewed about the record tying 63 yard field goal kicked by Sebastian Janikowski and the physical factors going into the kick.

To listen, click on the following link:

Overnight America originates on KMOX-AM in St. Louis and also runs on CBS affiliates WBZ in Boston, KDKA in Pittsburgh and WCCO in Minneapolis.

September 02, 2011

SLU AT Faculty Member Howell Awarded Innovative Teaching Fellowship

…and now for something completely different....

Dr. Howell teaching in the Learning Studio at Des Peres Hall.
Timothy Howell, EdD, ATC, CSCS Clinical Education Coordinator for the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Education Program held the inaugural class in the Learning Studio in Des Peres Hall August 29th, 2011. As part of an “Innovative Teaching Fellowship” award offered through the Reinert Center for Teaching Excellence Dr. Howell, along with three other fellows are teaching in a new learning space on the Frost Campus.

The course Dr. Howell is teaching MAT 560, Athletic Training Administration, in the space. While the course emphasizes organizational and administrative aspects of the athletic training profession being in the learning studio provides opportunities for the students to do so with an infusion of technology. The students will have access to iPads, tablet computers, and a video wall that can present up to three images at a time.

The first class meeting was an opportunity for the professional year 2 (PY2) students to gain a hands on introduction to the iPad2. A variety of technologies will be infused into the athletic training course over the course of the semester, all in a very direct and engaging environment.