September 05, 2020

SLU AT Student Integrates Prior Learning with Immersive Clinical Experience at Bayless HS

SLU AT Clinical Site Spotlight - Bayless High School
By: Josh Hicks (MAT Class of 2021)

During this very abnormal Summer field experience of 2020 I was at Bayless High School. My preceptor was Adam Krueger ATC, CSCS, SSM Health Sports Medicine. This was Adam’s first year at Bayless and he did awesome. With all of the uncertainty of having a new job and a pandemic, Adam still made my learning experience a priority. I learned from many discussions, demonstrations, and practice.

Outside of screening for COVID, a majority of Adam’s and my time was spent discussing topics and practices in athletic training. These discussions often led to demonstrations and new knowledge and practice. For example, I have learned about joint mobilizations and stretching through classes, but Adam showed me how to combine the two properly. Bayless had few injuries. I was able to do the initial assessment of each injury and Adam would monitor. I was also included in coming up with the rehab programs and I took the student athletes through them. 

At Bayless High School I felt like an athletic trainer. I was part of the team and treated as such. 

Students in the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program have an immersive field experience in the summer between their two professional years in the program. This blog post details a student's reflection on their experience.

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