Showing posts with label Practical Anatomy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Practical Anatomy. Show all posts

May 23, 2013

2013 MoATA Annual Meeting at Saint Louis University - May 31st and June 1st

Missouri Athletic Trainers' Association

Annual Meeting 2013

The MoATA Annual Symposium and Meeting will be held May 31st and June 1st, 2013 on the campus of Saint Louis University.  

We hope to see you there!

Registration: Members $20; Non-members $50; Student Members $10; Student Non-members $15

Housing at Renaissance St. Louis Grand Hotel (Downtown) for $89.

Student Schedule (view or print a copy)

Friday, May 31 (print a copy) (need a map)
Saint Louis University, Practical Anatomy & Surgical Education Center
3839 Lindell Blvd, St Louis, 63108

Hip Pathology in Sport
Sponsored by Saint Louis University Hospital and SLUCare with support from Stryker Medical
2:00 am—5:00 pm
Cadaver Dissection Demonstration (3-D presentation)
Examination and Surgical Approach to Hip Pathology
Rehabilitation of the Hip in the Active Patient

Political Action Committee Fundraiser / Social (Download the Flyer)
Join fellow ATs for fun and festivities while supporting the PAC!
6:00 pm — ?
Tailgate Party—Downtown St. Louis
St. Louis Cardinals vs San Francisco Giants
(tickets for tailgate and ballgame available for purchase)
Tailgate $20/members   $15/Students  
Baseball $30
Baseball + Tailgate $45 / 40

Saturday, June 1   (need a Map)
Saint Louis University, Allied Health Professions Building, Medical Center Campus

7:00 am
Breakfast available for purchase— student fundraiser
Round table discussions— An opportunity for discussions regarding the mission and direction of MoATA and to be more involved in MoATA activities


8:00 am         
Welcome / Opening Remarks

8:10-9:00 am
Emergency Action Plans: Preparing for Natural Disasters OR
Examination Techniques for Medical Conditions (Lab)

9:00-9:50 am
Emergency Care Competencies in the New Role Delineation Study OR
Addressing Muscle Imbalance to Prevent Injury (Lab)

9:50 - 10:10 am

10:15-11:20 am
Current Legal Issues Facing the Athletic Trainer:  Protecting the athlete and the athletic trainer
Issues for Secondary Schools—Developing and Implementing Protocols in Youth Sports

11:30 am -12:45 pm  

12:45-2:15 pm

2:30- 3:20 pm  
Critical Incident Stress Management: The Ohio Model
The Southwest Ohio CISM Team provides debriefing following critical incidents for any Public Safety Service Worker and/or Critical Care Provider requesting assistance

3:30-4:45 pm
Emergency Care Skills Lab OR
Case Reports : Three unique cases presented by MoATA members

4:45 pm      
Closing remarks 

February 18, 2011

SLU AT Faculty Participate in AIMS Program

SLU Athletic Training Faculty members are involved in the Adventures In Medicine & Science (AIMS) program. AIMS is a youth community outreach program that provides health education and prevention information to students throughout the school year. With a combination of hands-on opportunities and auditorium presentations, students get a unique look at the human body. The program offers a prevention component that provides valuable information to students regarding health risks and how to avoid medical traumas. In addition, incoming juniors and seniors are provided with an opportunity to explore medical science during the AIMS Summer Workshop. AIMS is part of Practical Anatomy and Surgical Education in the Center for Anatomical Science and Education of Saint Louis University School of Medicine.

Sports Medicine Cadaver Demonstrations
Dr. Tim Howell and Dr. Kitty Newsham have been involved in the Sports Medicine Cadaver Demonstrations. These demonstrations provide experiences where students participate in an interactive human cadaver demonstration that outline the most common sports injuries of the shoulder, elbow, knee and ankle. Basic principles of injury management are also discussed.

Summer Workshops
Dr. Tony Breitbach and Dr. Kitty Newsham have participated in the summer workshop. Adventures In Medicine & Science began offering summer workshops for high school juniors and seniors interested in medical careers in 1993. Now more than 100 students spend a week with medical  professionals who provide an overview of the human body while introducing them to careers in health care. Activities range from auditorium presentations, correlative anatomy dissections and cadaver demonstrations. Off-site visits include observations of live surgery, rehabilitation facilities, and opportunities to interact with patients and their physicians.

Family Medical School
On March 1, 2011, Dr. Mark Reinking, Chair of the Department of Physical Therapy and Athletic Training, and Dr. Tony Breitbach are participating in a new concept, the Family Medical School.  This is an experiential workshop where families get a better understanding of medical concepts together in a fun atmosphere.

May 11, 2009

Darcy Downey Leads Distance Learning Sports Medicine Presentation

On Wednesday, May 6, 2009, SLU Athletic Training faculty member Darcy Downey led a distance presentation on Common Sports Injuries using cadaver demonstrations from the Practical Anatomy & Surgical Education Center in the SLU School of Medicine. The program is a part of the Adventures in Medicine and Science (AIMS) Program. Four Missouri high schools participated in the program: Glasgow High School, Pilot Grove High School, Otterville High School, and New Franklin High School.

Practical Anatomy & Surgical Education, Center for Anatomical Science and Education, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, is dedicated to the development and presentation of innovative medical, health, and science workshops. Practical Anatomy strives to promote the concept of lifelong learning by utilizing the latest technology to connect young people, residents, health care professionals, and surgeons to world-class experts and faculty. (click on logo to go to its website)

Adventures In Medicine & Science, (AIMS), is a youth community outreach program that provides health education and prevention information to students throughout the school year. With a combination of hands-on opportunities and 3-D demonstrations, students get a unique look at the human body. The program offers a prevention component that provides valuable information to students regarding health risks and how to avoid medical traumas. In addition, incoming juniors and seniors are provided with an opportunity to explore medical science during the AIMS Summer Workshop. AIMS is part of Practical Anatomy and Surgical Education in the Center for Anatomical Science and Education of Saint Louis University School of Medicine. (click on logo to go to its website)