New AT Student Blog Post - Marissa Burch (SLU MAT Class of 2020)
When I think back to my days as a high school student, I think of all those who made an impact on my experience. Teachers, friends, coaches, anyone who helped to shape the person I became at graduation. Some of my favorite moments came from the sidelines during football games with the Athletic Trainer. Although my high school does not have a full-time Athletic Trainer, we were able to bring an AT in to do game coverage. Even in the short amount of time I was able to spend with him, I learned a lot about the profession and what it entails. I felt this same excitement as I observed in high schools this semester, particularly with Scott Kugler ATC at Chaminade College Preparatory.
Having the opportunity to observe Scott was an absolute honor. He has been an Athletic Trainer at Chaminade for over 10 years, which has allowed him to gain the trust of the athletes he treats and the coaches with which he interacts. One of my favorite things about Scott’s relationship with the athletes is when one also happens to be a student in his Anatomy course. He is constantly trying to teach and encourage these athletes. If one of his students comes in with an injury, he quizzes the student on what could possibly be affected, depending on the area that is injured. Pushing these athletes and others to be the best version of themselves, building a relationship with the athletes seems to come naturally.
Learning the importance of a developed relationship with those you treat and interact with was definitely one of the most important things I observed. However, it was not the only thing I was able to learn while at Chaminade. Scott made sure to always explain what he was doing and why. He ensured that I knew what was going on, even if I may not understand everything about it. Observing in Athletic Training rooms these past several months brought me great humility, as it reminded me that we, both as individuals and the profession as a whole, are always growing and learning. Our work as Athletic Trainers is exciting and can make a huge difference in the lives of the athletes we treat.
This is one of a series of blog posts written by students entering the professional phase of the SLU AT Program as a part of MAT 3000 - AT Student Development II.