Showing posts with label medical students. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medical students. Show all posts

January 29, 2018

SLU AT Students Conduct Workshop on Sports Medicine Skills for 2nd Year Medical Students

Athletic Training Sports Medicine Night with SLU 2nd Year Medical Students
By: Bridget Bushong (SLU MAT Class of 2018)

The Saint Louis University Athletic Training Society hosted a sports medicine night with second year medical students who have an interest in sports medicine. This workshop had three stations, run by Professional Year 2 (PY2) and 1 (PY1) students in the AT program, for the students to rotate through during the event. The stations included concussion testing, ankle taping and emergency spine boarding. While the PY2s were the group leaders, there were also several PY1s assisting during the sessions as well as undergraduate students who were models for taping and spine boarding.

This event is a great way to collaborate with other medical professionals and increase patient care by having an interprofessional team assisting with the care. While ATs are specifically trained to diagnosis, treat and manage concussions, apply assistive taping and handle emergency spine boarding situations it is important for other medical professionals to understand and be able to assist if necessary. The 2nd year medical students had great questions during each session that showed they were extremely interested in the sports medicine field. 

Overall this event was a huge success for spreading knowledge about the athletic training profession and building interprofessional teamwork. The group leaders for the concussion session were Killian Hollo, Adam Long and Paul Lamb. Group leaders for the taping session were Madeleine Bresnahan, Erin Fabbri and Rory Cusack. Taping Models were Claire Ditman and Cheyenne Meinershagen. The group leaders for the spine boarding were Bridget Bushong, Jenna Ginsberg and Ben Wildman, models included Mitchell Buerck and Allison Stefan.

A big thank you to all of those who participated in the event!

March 14, 2017

SLU AT Students Collaborate with 2nd Year Medical Students for a Sports Medicine Skills Workshop

Sports Medicine Night with SLU Medical Students
By: Sarah Haenchen (SLU MAT Class of 2017)

The Saint Louis University Athletic Training Society hosted a sports medicine night with SLU first and second year medical students in the sports medicine interest group. SLATS PY2 students lead the concussion, taping and spine boarding sessions. PY1s and pre-professional students participated in the event by being models for the med students to practice the newly learned skills.

Interprofessional collaboration is an important aspect in our education. Applying our knowledge and teaching the medical students helps with creating better communication and patient outcomes. This session not only taught medical students what athletic trainers do, but the athletic training students learned how physicians can help especially if they are on the sidelines.

It was really interesting to hear the different backgrounds of some of the medical students of why they want to become physicians. Most of them were athletes too, which is why they joined the sports medicine interest group. While we provide sports medicine care, we are also trained in emergency care. A few of the medical students were EMTs and knew about spine boarding. This shows that athletic trainers may work with a variety of healthcare professionals. The better knowledge and collaboration between healthcare professionals sets up better patient outcomes.

SLATS PY2 group leaders were Danny Smith and Brandi Burgett for taping, Amelia Meigs, Collin Peterson and Sarah Haenchen for spine boarding, and Olivia Robinson and Stephanie Ross for the concussion session. Alex Hubbs and Pat O’Neill were the PY1 students and Cat Chua and Erin Fabbri were pre-professional students who helped out.

March 21, 2014

SLU AT Students Host Workshop for SLU Medical Students

Athletic Training Skills Workshop for SLU Medical Students
By: Emily Grace, MAT Class of 2014

On March 19, 2014,  the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program hosted students from the School of Medicine to show them taping, spine boarding, and concussion testing. Such skills are specialties of certified athletic trainers and athletic training students but are often performed by participation of the entire sports medicine team.

Treating an athlete on or off the field requires interprofessional collaboration. Having an understanding and appreciation for other health care professionals roles is crucial to efficient and quality health care. During the athletic training skills workshop, second year medical students were able to learn specialty skill like preventative taping, sideline concussion testing, and spine boarding from graduate athletic training students.

PY2 AT students Emily Grace, Michelle Cybulski, and Dan Herrin demonstrate face mask removal
for an athlete with a suspected cervical spine injury
As athletic trainers, we are often the first responders during emergency situations in athletic settings. It is important for the AT's to be confident in their skills and be able to effectively communicate. Because medicine and diagnostic techniques are constantly changing and improving, it is part of our responsibility to continually advance our knowledge by keeping up with current research and disseminate pertinent information to the sports medicine team. As information about certain conditions improves, our diagnostic tools also improve. An example is the SCAT3, a sideline test used in the diagnosis for concussions.

PY2 AT student Mary Rhatigan guides medical students on proper taping techniques.
Teaching medical students about the role physicians and athletic trainers play in prevention and emergency care made me proud of the skill set I have obtained through my educational and clinical experience. Gaining hands on experience throughout my clinical rotations has given me the confidence and competency I intend to carry throughout my professional care and share with other health care professionals. It was rewarding to share my skills with future physicians!

PY2 AT student Jessica Buschjost demonstrates balance testing, part of the SCAT 3 sideline concussion testing.
SLU AT students participating in the AT Skills Workshop included Michelle Cybulski, Kayla Kelley, Kathleen McGovern, Dan Herrin, Cat Costello, Emily Grace, Haylie Dehm, Jess Buschjost, Mary Rhatigan (coordinator), Christian Ahlstrom and Hilary Stepansky.

March 05, 2013

SLU AT Students Conduct Skills Workshop for 2nd Year Medical Students

Katie Herington, Rachel Cocek, Nick Gastorf, Dan Herrin, Lizzy Kienstra, Cat Costello, Kelley DeGreeff, Dr. Tony Breitbach, Sarah Reifsteck and Claire Botting

On March 5, 2013, Athletic Training students at Saint Louis University conducted an interprofessional skills workshop for SLU 2nd year medical students in the Allied Health Building on SLU's Medical Center Campus.  There were three stations that featured teams of AT students conducting hand-on practice sessions for the medical students.  This was a great evening of professional development and fellowship for the students.

SLU AT students Nick Gastorf, Lizzy Kienstra and Cat Costello instruct on facemask removal and use of a spine board in a cervical spine injury.

SLU AT students Dan Herrin and Sarah Reifsteck instructed medical students on use of the SCAT2 instrument in the sideline assessment of concussion.

SLU AT students Katie Herington, Kelley DeGreeff, Claire Botting and Rachel Cocek instructed and guided practice in ankle taping.