Showing posts with label youth sports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youth sports. Show all posts

February 01, 2015

SLU AT Program Speaker Series Addresses Youth Sports and Injuries

Saint Louis University's Athletic Training program is hosting its annual Speaker Series and Recognition Ceremony on Monday, February 9 in the Wall Auditorium at the Edwin Everest Education Union at 6:30 pm.

The event will proudly include the following:

6:30 pm
Initiation Ceremony for the newest members of the SLU chapter of Iota Tau Alpha, National Athletic Training Honor Society

7:00 pm
Dedication Ceremony for the Bauman Endowed Scholarship in Athletic Training

7:15 pm
Keynote Speaker  - Dr. Neeru Jayanthi 

"Sports Specialized Training in Young Athletes: Is this Helping or Hurting?"

Dr. Jayanthi, is an Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation at Loyola Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola University, where he is also the team physician for the university's athletics and a prominent figure in the field of youth sports. Dr. Jayanthi has had recent appearances on WGN news Sports Radio, WGN-TV News Medical Watch, ABC News, CBS National radio, XM radio, NPR and numerous other media outlets to discuss his research findings.

8:00 pm
Panel discussion about youth sports and injury with local experts
  • Tyler Wadsworth, MD, Medical Director, SLU AT Program (Moderator)
  • Richard Colignon, PhD, Chair, SLU Department of Sociology
  • Neeru Jayanthi, MD, Physician, Loyola University - Chicago
  • Amy Schork, ATC, Athletic Trainer, Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine.

8:30 pm
Social reception sponsored by SLATS, the SLU AT Student Organization.

There is no charge for the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program Speaker Series and Recognition Ceremony, and the public is welcome to attend. Registration is requested for the event. To register, please click here.

This event provides 1.0 hour of Board of Certification Category A continuing education credit. The objective of this presentation is to better inform providers about the risk of specialization in youth sports. The target audience is Athletic Trainers and other health care providers involved in youth sports. (Level of difficulty: Advanced) Saint Louis University reserves the right to change or cancel this program. Efforts will be made to notify registered participants in either event.

July 18, 2011

SLU AT Program Director Interviewed About Exercise in Heat

Dr. Tony Breitbach, Director of the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Education Program, appeared on the KPLR11-TV evening news on Monday, July 18, 2011.  He discussed youth sports in the heat with KPLR Sports Director Rich Gould.

May 09, 2008

Spreading the good news.....

Remember that interview that I did for Fox2? Donn Walker from our media relations office did a press release with the information and it has been picked up all over the US. In addition to the links below...I have also been interviewed by a radio station from Raleigh-Durham NC, the St. Louis Suburban Journals and Wondertime, a parenting magazine sponsored by Disney.

Its amazing how the word gets out in this electronic age....