Showing posts with label annual meeting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label annual meeting. Show all posts

April 01, 2019

SLU AT Program Faculty and Students Have a Great Time in Tulsa at the MAATA Annual Meeting

Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program faculty and eleven students traveled to Tulsa, Oklahoma from March 28-30, 2019 for the Mid-America Athletic Trainers' Association's Annual Meeting.

Allison Stefan with Dr. Breitbach and Dr. Newsham
For SLU, the meeting had many highlights including:
  • Dr. Kitty Newsham, faculty member and MAATA Secretary presented "Single-Subject Research Design Informing Clinical Decision Making".
  • Allison Stefan, MAT Class of 2020, was awarded a MAATA Graduate Professional Scholarship
  • SLU AT Students Cody Hutson, Matt Murphy and Jesse Schmitt participated in the MAATA Quiz Bowl.
Quiz Bowl Competition

SLU AT Students attending the MAATA Business Meeting.

June 30, 2013

Great Week at NATA Annual Meeting in Las Vegas for the SLU AT Program!

Alums enjoying the SLU AT Alumni Reception at Hussong's Cantina.
The Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program enjoyed a great week of professional development and fellowship at the NATA Annual Meeting and Symposium in Las Vegas, NV.  This year's event was the largest NATA meeting ever, featuring over 15,000 participants.  The NATA also revealed a new logo at the meeting.

Highlights for the SLU AT Program included presentations by faculty and staff members Tony Breitbach,  Kitty Newsham and Leslie Neistadt; with faculty members Tim Howell and Mike Markee serving in roles moderating presentations and serving as lab instructors.  The SLU Alumni reception had over 30 attendees on June 25th at Hussong's Cantina.  The SLU AT program attended its initial World Federation of Athletic Training and Therapy (WFATT) meeting and faculty members were also active in their respective committee meetings.

Faculty members at SLU AT Alumni Reception.
The NATA Annual Meeting is always a special experience and, as our program grows, it gets better every year!  We are already looking forward to the 2014 meeting in Indianapolis!

June 20, 2013

SLU AT Faculty Ready for a Busy Week at the NATA Annual Meeting in Las Vegas

This year, the National Athletic Trainers' Association will be hosting its 64th Annual Meeting and Symposium at the Mandalay Bay South Convention Center in Las Vegas, NV.  It begins on Monday, June 24th and ends of Thursday June 27th.  The core faculty of the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program and numerous students and alumni will also be in attendance.  All will be busy with committee meetings, presentations, social events and other professional development.  Listed below is a schedule of the events related to SLU, to get the entire program go to:

Monday June 24th

4:00pm - 6:00pm
Journal of Athletic Training Manuscript Reviewers' Workshop
South Seas I
Managing Editor: Leslie Neistadt, Saint Louis University

Tuesday June 25th

8:15-10:15 am
Maximizing Opportunities for Interprofessional Education in Athletic Training
Presented by the NATA Executive Committee for Education
South Seas B
Anthony Breitbach, PhD, ATC, Saint Louis University and Panel of Speakers
Moderator: Sara Brown, MS, ATC, Boston University

1:15pm - 3:15pm
Learning Lab: Shortness of Breath During Exercise: Differential Diagnoses
Banyan D
Kitty Newsham, PhD, ATC, Saint Louis University
Moderator: Michelle Boyd, MS, ATC, Truman State University

7:00-9:00 pm
Athletic Training Education Program Alumni Reception
Hussong's Cantina
The Shoppes of Mandalay Place

Wednesday, June 26th

9:15am - 11:15am
Learning Lab: Muscle Energy Technique to Treat Painful Lumbar Spine Mobility Deficits
Palm A
Scott Lawrance, DHS, ATC, MSPT, University of Indianapolis
Lab Instructors: Timothy Howell, EdD, ATC, CSCS & Mike Markee ATC, PT, OCS, COMT, Saint Louis University

Thursday, June 27th

10:30am - 11:15am
Peer-Reviewed Poster Presentation: #119-The Relationship Between Candidate Psychological Factors and First-Attempt Pass Rate on the Board of Certification Examination
Shorelines A
Anthony Breitbach, PhD, ATC, Saint Louis University, Darcy Downey EdD, ATC, Austin (TX) High School and Alfred Frager MS, Saint Louis University

1:15pm - 3:15pm
Learning Lab: Benefits of Tabata in a Rehabilitation Setting
Banyan D
Theresa Miyashita, PhD, ATC, PES, Metropolitan State
University of Denver
Moderator: Timothy Howell, EdD, ATC, CSCS, Saint Louis University

June 03, 2013

MoATA Wraps Up a Successful Meeting in St. Louis

Saint Louis University was proud to be selected to host the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Missouri Athletic Trainers' Association on May 31 and June 1, 2013.  SLU Athletic Training faculty member Kitty Newsham, who is also President-Elect of MoATA, coordinated the meeting which included a full weekend of fellowship and professional development!  

The great resources available at SLU allowed for an interactive meeting.
The SLU AT Program team also pitched in some manner at the meeting.  Administrative assistant Jennifer Baine was important behind the scenes preparing for the meeting. On friday May 31st faculty member Mike Markee and physician Scott Kaar presented on hip rehabilitation and pathology, on Saturday, June 1st faculty member Lori Khazen presented on muscle imbalance, physician Matt Bayes presented on general medical examination and 2013 MAT graduates Bridget Quirk and Rachel Cocek participated in case study presentations.

Dr. Scott Kaar presenting at the 2013 MoATA Annual Meeting.

Mike Markee presenting at the 2013 MoATA Annual Meeting.
SLU AT Program Director Tony Breitbach helped provide local coordination of the tailgate fundraiser at Busch Stadium on Friday and the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Society (SLATS) hosted a breakfast fundraiser on Saturday.  SLATS members who got up early to work the breakfast included Andria Lampe, Jay Maturan, Jose Mendez, Kyle Marquitz and Michael Sickels.

The well attended Friday Tailgate fundraiser had a great location, protected from the inclement weather that cancelled the Cardinals game that night.

MoATA committee member Dave Compton and Dr. Breitbach getting the food going at the tailgate fundraiser.
Special congratulations also go out SLU AT preceptors Karen Fennell and Amy Schork that were honored with awards at the Hall of Fame Luncheon on Saturday in the Multipurpose Room of the Allied Health Building on the SLU Medical Center Campus.

May 23, 2013

2013 MoATA Annual Meeting at Saint Louis University - May 31st and June 1st

Missouri Athletic Trainers' Association

Annual Meeting 2013

The MoATA Annual Symposium and Meeting will be held May 31st and June 1st, 2013 on the campus of Saint Louis University.  

We hope to see you there!

Registration: Members $20; Non-members $50; Student Members $10; Student Non-members $15

Housing at Renaissance St. Louis Grand Hotel (Downtown) for $89.

Student Schedule (view or print a copy)

Friday, May 31 (print a copy) (need a map)
Saint Louis University, Practical Anatomy & Surgical Education Center
3839 Lindell Blvd, St Louis, 63108

Hip Pathology in Sport
Sponsored by Saint Louis University Hospital and SLUCare with support from Stryker Medical
2:00 am—5:00 pm
Cadaver Dissection Demonstration (3-D presentation)
Examination and Surgical Approach to Hip Pathology
Rehabilitation of the Hip in the Active Patient

Political Action Committee Fundraiser / Social (Download the Flyer)
Join fellow ATs for fun and festivities while supporting the PAC!
6:00 pm — ?
Tailgate Party—Downtown St. Louis
St. Louis Cardinals vs San Francisco Giants
(tickets for tailgate and ballgame available for purchase)
Tailgate $20/members   $15/Students  
Baseball $30
Baseball + Tailgate $45 / 40

Saturday, June 1   (need a Map)
Saint Louis University, Allied Health Professions Building, Medical Center Campus

7:00 am
Breakfast available for purchase— student fundraiser
Round table discussions— An opportunity for discussions regarding the mission and direction of MoATA and to be more involved in MoATA activities


8:00 am         
Welcome / Opening Remarks

8:10-9:00 am
Emergency Action Plans: Preparing for Natural Disasters OR
Examination Techniques for Medical Conditions (Lab)

9:00-9:50 am
Emergency Care Competencies in the New Role Delineation Study OR
Addressing Muscle Imbalance to Prevent Injury (Lab)

9:50 - 10:10 am

10:15-11:20 am
Current Legal Issues Facing the Athletic Trainer:  Protecting the athlete and the athletic trainer
Issues for Secondary Schools—Developing and Implementing Protocols in Youth Sports

11:30 am -12:45 pm  

12:45-2:15 pm

2:30- 3:20 pm  
Critical Incident Stress Management: The Ohio Model
The Southwest Ohio CISM Team provides debriefing following critical incidents for any Public Safety Service Worker and/or Critical Care Provider requesting assistance

3:30-4:45 pm
Emergency Care Skills Lab OR
Case Reports : Three unique cases presented by MoATA members

4:45 pm      
Closing remarks 

June 30, 2012

NATA Meeting Wraps Up a Great Week in St. Louis

Saint Louis University's Athletic Training faculty, staff and students had a great week as St. Louis hosted the National Athletic Trainers' Association Annual Meeting and Symposium from June 26-29, 2012.  In addition to enjoying a week of professional development and fellowship they served as speakers, learning lab instructors, moderators and volunteers for the events.  Some of the students also worked at the trade show where exhibitors needed extra help at their booths.  Highlights of the week included faculty member Kitty Newsham Phd, ATC receiving an Athletic Training Service Award and SLU Athletic Training Student Bridget Quirk receiving a NATA Foundation Scholarship.  The SLU AT Program worked with the Doisy College Alumni Association to host a well attended Alumni Reception at The Dubliner.
Bridget Quirk (SLU MAT Class of 2013) receiving the NATA Foundation Scholarship.
Great crowd for Dr. Reinking, Dr. Wadsworth and Dr. Bennett's Tendinopathy presentation on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 in the Ferrara Auditorium.

Good crowd and a great setting at The Dubliner for the Alumni Reception on Thursday, June 28, 2012.

SLU MAT Class of 2013 students Hilary Orf, Rachel Cocek and Katie Schneebeck with MAT Class of 2012 graduates JJ Hannigan an Leah Egeland.

SLU MAT Class of 2014 students Abby Breseman, Cat Costello, Michelle Cybulski, Nick Gastorf and Mary Rhatigan take a study break from Gross Anatomy to join the Alumni Reception.

Aaron Borgmann, Dr. Mark Reinking, Drew Graul, Casandra Douthit and Aaron Stoll

Dr. Tyler Wadsworth, Amy Schork, Meghan Gehrs (MAT '11), Lori Khazen, Jacob Blasingame (MAT '11), Laura Gosewisch Norberg (MAT '11)

Heather King (MAT '11), Emily Monahan (MAT '11), Dr. Jason Bennett and Theresa Panka.

The teaching team for the Tendinopathy Learning Lab on Friday June 29,2012: Dr. Mark Reinking, Dr. Tim Howell, Dr. Kitty Newsham, Jonathan Burch, Angie Wills, Theresa Panka, Dr. Jason Bennett, Miya Sullivan and Dr. Tony Breitbach.

Moderator Jonathan Burch (middle) with presenters Dr. Tony Breitbach (left) and Dr. Paul Nativi (right) before the Academy of Sports Dentistry presentation on Friday, June 29, 2012.

June 24, 2010

SLU Faculty Participate in NATA Annual Meeting

The 2010 National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) Annual Meeting and Symposium was held in Philadelphia at the Pennsylvania Convention Center from Tuesday June 22-Friday June 26.
SLU faculty members participated in the symposium. Dr. Kitty Newsham presented a Case Study: "Recurrent Exertional Rhabdomyolysis in an Intercollegiate Athlete with SSRI" and Dr. Tony Breitbach serve as the moderator for a Feature Presentation: " Navigating the Emerging Student-Athlete 'Perfect Storm': Managing Mental Health Problems and Responses at the Collegiate Setting."

In addition to the educational presentations, the annual meeting provide faculty and students opportunities to network with colleagues and learn about new products and innovations from exhibitors.

May 29, 2009

SLU to host Missouri Athletic Trainers Association Annual Meeting June 5-6th

The Saint Louis University Athletic Training Education Program and the Doisy College of Health Sciences is proud to host the MoATA Annual Meeting on June 5-6th, 2009 on our campus at the Allied Health Professions building.

Highlights of the program include:

Friday, June 5th
Annual Business Meeting
BBQ @ SLU on the campus Plaza
St. Louis Cardinals vs. Colorado Rockies

Saturday, June 6th
Mark Halstead, MD: “Lower Extremity Stress Fractures” (1CEU)
Scott Kaar, MD: “Nerve Entrapment Syndromes of the Shoulder”
Paul Nativi, DMD/ Anthony Breitbach, PhD, ATC: “Dental Case Studies” (1CEU)
Honors and Awards Banquet & Exhibits
Ben Verdine, MD: “Hand Fractures” (1 CEU)
Chantell Unnerstall, OTR/L, CHT: “Hand Splinting for Sports” (1 CEU)
Shawn Garlock, ATC, CSCS: “Upper Extremity Rehab Lab” (1 CEU)

Student Session
Mark Halstead, MD: “Shoulder Evaluation Bio Mechanics Lab”
Shawn Garlock, ATC: “Shoulder Rehab Lab”
Paul Nativi, DMD/ Anthony Breitbach, PhD, ATC: “Mouth Guard Lab”
Panel Discussion: Job & Grad School Application Process

For more information go to: