December 18, 2012

SLU AT Clinical Site Spotlight - Missouri Baptist University

Missouri Baptist University - Home of the Spartans!
By: Hilary Orf (SLU MAT Class of 2013)
This year, I get the opportunity to do my clinical practicum at Missouri Baptist University.  MBU is an NAIA college that houses 12 different sports.  The Athletic Training staff is comprised of the head athletic trainer, Meredith Dill ATC, assistant athletic trainers Jamie Herron ATC and Mike Nolan ATC, and Graduate assistants Amy Hampton ATC and Michelle Crocker ATC.  However, due to my commitments as a collegiate athlete at Saint Louis University, I worked primarily with Jamie with the Men’s and Women’s Soccer teams and will be working with Men’s and Women’s Lacrosse in the spring. 

Jamie Herron ATC and SLU AT student Hilary Orf (MAT Class of 2013)  on the sidelines at MBU
This semester has been quite the learning experience.  My day started with the incessant ringing of my alarm clock at 4:10am so that I could be at MBU by 5am to set up for practice.  Practice ran from 6-8, and then it was straight to classes, before attending my own practice in the afternoons.  Thank goodness Jamie and I get along as well as we do!  She’s always open to my nonstop questions.  The entire staff has been more than welcoming to me, especially since I’m the first SLU AT student to be placed at MBU.  This fall I was the only student, but I get 5 AT students who are in their first professional year in the spring and I’m excited to see what’s to come for my last semester as an Athletic Training student!

This is one of a series of posts by the Saint Louis University Athletic Training students featuring their clinical site and their preceptors. The number, quality and diversity of clinical instruction are major assets for the SLU AT Program.

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