July 24, 2022

SLU AT Student Sees an Interprofessional Approach to Care for Professional Athletes with Minnesota United FC

SLU AT Clinical Site Spotlight - Minnesota United Football Club
By: Lauren Swords (MAT Class of 2023)

This summer I have had the opportunity to work with Minnesota’s MLS team, Minnesota United FC. I have been mostly assigned to the United Next Pro and Academy teams. These teams have allowed me to be surrounded by professional athletes while still getting hands-on experience. I attend practice every day and assist with the rehab of our players. A new rehab technique I’ve been able to observe is dry needling which I have been super interested by and would like to explore certification in the future. 

It has been very interesting to see how the team operates at a national level. Since travel is a big part of the season, I’ve gotten to see how my preceptors pack their kits for long vs short stays and seen how every level of the club is all-hands on deck to make sure transitions go smoothly. 

Additionally, I have loved seeing the “it takes a village” aspect of the professional level. I have been able to work with sports science professionals, nutritionists, equipment managers, and physical therapists for the first time as a team. I am looking forward to the rest of my rotation and potentially traveling with Next Pro. 

Students in the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program have an immersive field experience in the summer between their two professional years in the program. This blog post details a student's reflection on their experience.

June 13, 2022

SLU AT Student Experiences Clinical and Professional Growth with Mizzou Football

SLU AT Clinical Site Spotlight - University of Missouri Columbia
By: Eldwin Neritani (MAT Class of 2023)

During my clinical experience with Mizzou Football, I have been fortunate to work with the athletic training staff here. I have worked exclusively with the football team so far with my time here and I have learned a lot. I have been able to apply my own knowledge and learning to my everyday tasks to help the athletes and gain a good hands-on experience during my time here. Being able to work with this staff and these athletes has given me a great experience that I have found to be extremely valuable to my growth in the profession as well.

With my responsibilities starting with morning practices, I have been able to get a good on field experience learning and seeing how a NCAA Division 1 football team works in real time. Whether that is practice, weight-lifting, or during their rehab sessions, I have experienced all parts of it and have learned so much about every different environment that I am in while interacting with these athletes. Becoming part of a new environment and learning the dynamics between players and training staff has been very insightful for me, and being able to be hands on through the whole process has allowed me the chance to also get myself to be part of this dynamic. Being able to treat these athletes with the vast amount of different equipment Mizzou possesses has been very interesting, and has given me the freedom to really let my creativity and previous experiences dictate how and what path the athlete and I want to take to treat their injuries.

Mizzou has provided me many experiences in all aspects of athletic training; from on-field practices and injury prevention to injury assessment and rehabilitation. I have been able to learn and grow through the training staff and learn through their methods and practices what best can suit me. This has been a great experience so far, and I am excited to see what the rest of the clinical rotation has in store.

Students in the Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program have an immersive field experience in the summer between their two professional years in the program. This blog post details a student's reflection on their experience.

May 23, 2022

SLU AT Students Receive Degrees at 2022 Graduation Ceremonies

The Saint Louis University Master of Athletic Training Class of 2022 graduates were recognized on Friday, May 20, 2022 in the Doisy College of Health Sciences Precommencement Ceremony at Chaifetz Arena.

Master of Athletic Training Class of 2022
Maddie Cavanaugh
Mason Cotterel 
Amra Kardasevic
Sydney Nash
Brittany Risko
Michael Ryan

SLU AT Program Director Dr. Anthony Breitbach also hooded MAT graduate Brittany Risko's service dog "Penelope" with an honorary master's hood.

Students from the SLU MAT Class of 2023 in the 3+2 MAT program also received Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science degrees.

Degrees were officially conferred at the SLU University Commencement on Saturday, May 2021, 2022 at Chaifetz Arena.

May 20, 2022

SLU AT Student Engages in Diverse On-campus Opportunities

New PY1 AT Student Blog Post - Caroline Miller (MAT Class of 2024)

This semester in MAT 3000 I really enjoyed the opportunities I got to do for my direct observation hours. My opportunities included shadowing ATs right here at Saint Louis University and at the NCAA division 2 wrestling championships hosted right on campus in Chaifetz Arena!

The athletic trainers I shadowed here at SLU were Elena Melillo ATC, Maddie Bozych MAT ATC, and Gwyn Brown MAT, ATC. While shadowing Elena I got to learn about what she does on game days with SLU womens basketball including treatment before the game and during half time. She let me know the injury status of her athletes, what she’s given them for treatment, and the most common injuries she sees with this sport. While shadowing Gwyn Brown, I got to observe her and Maddie Cavanaugh (both pictured), her PY1 student, at SLU softball games! I learned about the most common injuries seen with softball players and got to see what treatments players are given before, during, and between games! Fortunately at both of these experiences, none of the players were injured during games.

The coolest experience I had this semester was at the NCAA division II wrestling championships. I got to shadow PYs Eldwin Neritani and Mason Cotterel, and watch them work with other athletic trainers from the event. Along with specifically shadowing them I also got to talk to athletic trainers from other universities or other settings and learn about their experiences in their undergrad, professional years, and at their places of work. I was also able to talk to fellow junior student Grace Golembiewski and other students in SLU’s MAT program.  

I learned that there are many settings that I could work in as an athletic trainer. I’m extremely excited to be able to practice my skills and demonstrate my knowledge as a professional student in our program this fall!

This is one of a series of blog posts written by students entering the professional phase of the SLU AT Program as a part of MAT 3000 - AT Student Development II.

May 19, 2022

SLU AT Students Enjoy Learning and Mentoring from Older Students in the Program

New PY1 AT Student Blog Post - Mark Romero and Michael Patino (MAT Class of 2024)

Mark Romero

This semester I had the opportunity to observe Katie Wissing and Olivia Mani under their preceptor Dean Tiffany ATC at John Burroughs School. I went to JBS and observed them after school one day where I observed them during two lacrosse games, soccer practice, and a baseball game. I was able to observe the relationships that they have developed with the athletes and staff at the school throughout the year. I was impressed with the trust that the athletes had in Katie and Olivia to provide them care and treatment. Before going out to the fields, I was able to observe Katie use electrical stim while Olivia was working on some strengthening exercises with another athlete. I went back for a track meet early in the morning during the weekend . At the meet I was able to see common injuries that track athletes experience like scrapes, muscle cramps, and shin splints. I also saw the different ways Katie and Olivia approached these injuries and how they worked with athletes and sometimes parents regarding the issues. I was overall very impressed with John Burroughs school and the work Dean, Katie, and Olivia have done.

Michael Patino

As we prepare to enter the professional phase of the Athletic Training program, we have covered various types of modalities and scenarios in class an Athletic Trainer might encounter on the field.  Each day we would go to class and learn new techniques ATs use to treat injuries in theory but never in action.  However, being able to visit clinical sites and observing ATs in action really helped to see the whole picture.  This semester I had the opportunity to gain experience at the college level, visiting other SLU Athletic Training students already in the professional phase as well as their preceptors.  While visiting different clinical sites I was able to see my preceptors use different types of modalities (such as therapy, cupping, heat/ice, electrical stim, taping) firsthand which helped to reinforce what we’re learning in class.  Most of my experiences at clinical sites were spent in the AT room however there were some gamedays and special events where I was able to help with pre and post set up.  While I was not allowed to participate in any of the modalities, I gained a considerable amount of knowledge and experience from observing and asking questions.  The most important thing I took away from my experiences was how vital communication is amongst health professionals and the patient.  I’m grateful to all my preceptors as they were very patient with all the questions I had and can’t wait to start the professional phase soon!

This is one of a series of blog posts written by students entering the professional phase of the SLU AT Program as a part of MAT 3000 - AT Student Development II.

May 18, 2022

SLU AT Students/Billiken Athletes Gain a Wider Understanding of the Profession

New PY1 AT Student Blog Post - Karsen Kohl and Julia Martinez (MAT Class of 2024)

Karsen Kohl

Entering the Professional Phase of the AT Program requires students to experience
athletic trainers at a clinical site. There were multiple options in choosing where to get directed
observation hours and with being a student athlete at SLU I chose to get a look at how a school,
in particular a high school, manages an athlete’s health in the training room. I started my
observation experience at John Burroughs School, a high school close to SLU’s campus. I
shadowed PY1 student Olivia Mani and PY2 student Katie Wissing who are currently placed
there as their every day clinical site this spring semester. I got the opportunity to observe athletic
trainer Dean Tiffany ATC care for and tend to his athletes.

During my experience at Burroughs, I learned a lot about the impact an athletic trainer
has on the athlete both in rehabilitation and in recovery. As a student athlete at the collegiate
level, I understand the importance of rehab but I did not understand this when I was in high
school. It was eye opening to see how many students visited the training room right when school
ended and before practice. Most of the students that visited the trainer were familiar faces every
day with normal routines pre game/practice and some of the students were new and wanting the
help to best manage their body and health in regards to their sport.

The process of an athletic trainer goes further than rendering treatment to athletes, it is
about providing water to prevent hypohydration. I was able to be hands-on in helping Olivia and
Katie get ice and water in coolers to all fields for the teams as well as help with the clean up process after all teams finished their events. I had the opportunity to watch the events on the
sideline with Dean who is ensuring the safety and health of the athletes in his care. A learning
experience that I will take with me as I enter the professional phase was when Olivia and Katie
assessed an athlete who came in with pain in the knee. The two of them began by asking the
athlete a series of questions in order to come to the conclusion of the occurrence and timing of
the injury. They ran through a series of tests of mobility and strength to try and pinpoint the exact
muscles that were being affected. Through this information based on the athlete's pain, they were
able to come up with a diagnosis that allowed the athlete to receive a set of exercises and pain
management to effectively return the athlete back to play. This experience allowed me to
understand the process of assessing a new injury and the job of an athletic trainer to help with the
athlete’s pain. I had such a great experience at Burroughs and learned a lot that I will take with
me while I enter into the Professional Phase of the AT Program.

Julia Martinez

 really enjoyed doing the direct observation hours. I was able to learn from different people and see athletic trainers do things in different settings with athletes. Some things that I learned from this experience was about PPE (preparticipation physical exam). These exams are important for SLU athletics. Elena Melillo ATC had all returning student athletes get these exams taken. They had to get their weight, height, vitals, and BESS testing measured. It was cool to watch PY1 and PY2 do some of these tests because I learned the BESS testing in class and was able to apply it to this PPE. With regards of the track meet, I witnessed a hamstring tear and other lower leg injuries. It was interesting to be at a track meet because I’ve never been to one and I was able to see how runners respond after they finish running. Lastly, Elena also taught me the concussion protocol and what she needs to do and use for reference for the student athlete and see how their concussion is improving. The different types of testing you do to test out the student athlete’s concussion is a long process but an important one.

I went to John Burroughs high school and observed Olivia Mani and her preceptor Dean Tiffany ATC. It was nice to observe a high school setting since I’m so used to a college scene. I watched Olivia do stem and a Graston massage on an athlete. Dean also did a shin splint taping which was interesting since I’ve never seen one before. We watched the girls’ and boys’ lacrosse games. It was very cold, sleeting, and pouring rain on us while we were sitting in the gator watching the games. Something I learned from that experience is to always make sure to dress warm and prepare ahead of time with extra layers in my car. In conclusion, I enjoyed these direct observation hours because I was able to get a good taste of what I’ll be doing next year. 

This is one of a series of blog posts written by students entering the professional phase of the SLU AT Program as a part of MAT 3000 - AT Student Development II.

May 17, 2022

SLU AT Student Gets an Exciting Look into Her Future Through Experience at Pattonville HS

New PY1 AT Student Blog Post - Marissa Uecker (MAT Class of 2024)

This spring I had the opportunity to visit Pattonville High School during direct observation with PY1 Emily Haley and her preceptor, Alex Hubbs MAT, ATC. During this experience, I learned more about the environment of an athletic training room. I experienced a very social and inviting atmosphere in the Pattonville athletic training room, which made every student feel cared for and welcomed.

This environment made me excited for my future clinical experiences and professional practice. I also learned more about the professional phase of SLU’s program during this observation opportunity. At Pattonville, I observed Emily perform a joint mobilization and drain blood from under an athlete’s toenail. I was pleasantly surprised by her wide span of knowledge and capabilities, and I was excited by the realization that I will be in her place in just a year. With this understanding, I made sure to ask about her experiences and for any advice that she had.

Accordingly, she shared her experiences with everything from gross anatomy to clinical sites and preceptors. I found great comfort in our conversation, as it came from someone who has experienced everything that I am getting ready to go through.

Furthermore, I learned more about myself during this process. I surprisingly found joy in Alex’s immaculately organized athletic training room, which I will note when it comes to my future clinical experiences. Additionally, Alex helped me to realize exactly how I learn best. I observed that Alex allowed Emily to do most of the work in order to gain hands-on experience, but he was there to guide her and give her feedback. He also fostered an environment where questions were always welcomed. Before coming into this experience, I didn’t know how to exactly explain the environment that I learn best in. However, after observing at Pattonville, I came to realize that I learn and thrive best where there are hands-on learning experiences with feedback and welcomed questions. This realization will definitely help me when finding a clinical site that best suits me.

Ultimately, this experience gave me an opportunity to look into the future and finally experience what I came to college for. Direct observation allowed me to learn more about athletic training in general, the professional phase of SLU’s program, and myself. After this experience, I am even more excited for the hands-on learning experience that is to come in the professional phase of the program.

This is one of a series of blog posts written by students entering the professional phase of the SLU AT Program as a part of MAT 3000 - AT Student Development II.

May 15, 2022

SLU AT Student Sees the Importance of Professional Relationships and Networking in Athletic Training

New PY1 AT Student Blog Post - Carlton McDonald-Jordan (MAT Class of 2024)

During the semester, I had the opportunity to observe various events and clinical sites. These opportunities allowed me to witness first-hand what it is like to be an athletic trainer (AT) and engage in a professional healthcare setting, both with patients (athletes) and other healthcare professionals. Two big takeaways from the experience would be the importance of establishing good, healthy relationships with the athletes that build a foundation of trust and being open to exploration in the athletic training world and allowing your personal desires to be stepstones through your journey as an athletic trainer. 

A great observation opportunity I was able to experience was the Missouri Valley Conference Men’s Basketball Tournament held at the Enterprise Center on the first weekend of March. I loved being in the collegiate basketball environment and it is something I wish to experience at some point in my professional career. I had the opportunity to witness interprofessional collaboration on a bigger scale as there were various professionals from different institutions and practices. This experience also showed me how small the athletic training world is, which places much emphasis on connecting and networking. My favorite part of the experience, though, was seeing the athletes interact with the athletic trainers. Instantly, you could tell the relationship between the athletes and AT was unique and cannot be replicated by many other professionals. It was also great to be able to connect with old friends and teammates who were playing in the tournament for their respective institutions.

Another great handful of observations came at Affton High School with PY1 Jordan Hyink and preceptor Becky Stigen ATC. During this experience, I was able to observe up-close the working relationship between trainers and young athletes. The athletes in this case (young teenagers) seem to engage more with the AT on a personal level. This experience provided a different atmosphere, one that appeared to be less competitive and more convivial. The AT's at Affton did a great job of communicating areas of concern while also recognizing the athletes’ autonomy. From this, I was able to  recognize the importance of placing the athlete at the center of care and catering care to meet their needs and/or wants.

This is one of a series of blog posts written by students entering the professional phase of the SLU AT Program as a part of MAT 3000 - AT Student Development II.

May 12, 2022

SLU AT Student Inspired by Person-Centered Focus of Peers, Preceptors and Professional Experiences

New PY1 AT Student Blog Post - Claire Love (MAT Class of 2024)

It is well known that the life of an athletic trainer is oftentimes hectic. There are always multiple people demanding your attention, multiple things you have to get done, and somehow certified athletic trainers find a way to get it all done. This was definitely the case when I visited Fontbonne University where PY 1 Lauren Swords is learning from Sammie Hochmuth ATC. Currently Sammie is the only athletic trainer serving all 18 athletic teams. But even in the midst of being busy, you could tell that Sammie's  number one priority was the relationships she has with her athletes. Throughout the afternoon out of season athlete after out of season athlete came in just to hang out and see Sammie. They wanted to share the joys and excitement of school success and potential job offers. While others came in just to ask for advice. Whatever it was Sammie made time to be there and be present for them. Athletes trust Sammie because when they come to her they feel that their voice is being heard. As I start my time in the professional program and progress into being a certified athletic trainer, I want to be this type of ATC. I want to be a person-centered athletic trainer whose athletes trust me with their health and treatments, but also just in life. I want my athletes to know that I am always in their corner and will support them in every positive decision they make. Getting to watch Sammie live this out is inspiration to me. 

Another huge inspiration for me this semester was getting to attend the MAATA District 5 Annual Meeting and Symposium in Omaha, NE. During this conference I was able to attend different educational sessions that covered a wide variety of topics. One of the most interesting sessions  I attended was titled “Cultural Competence in Athletic Training” and talked about how athletic training is so much more than treating an injured athlete. Being an athletic trainer really means becoming an invested member of the community you are working in, so that you can be a comrade for a patient as they walk through their injury. So this means when a patient is not compliant in their home exercise program, you don't just write them off as lazy, you dig in  and find out why they have not been compliant. And for many athletes it is because they have a multiple of other responsibilities on their plate. In the secondary school setting you might have an athlete who is homeless. Non-compliance is no longer the problem, addressing where they are going to sleep that night is. And as an invested member of the community, you make connections and are able to link them to resources that they might need. I think this is a part of athletic training that is not talked about enough, but I think it is so important.  Another opportunity I was fortunate enough to have during MAATA was to meet and network with certified athletic trainers. I met so many different people who work in so many different settings. Getting to hear their stories and experiences just excited me even more to join the profession! 

This is one of a series of blog posts written by students entering the professional phase of the SLU AT Program as a part of MAT 3000 - AT Student Development II.

May 09, 2022

SLU AT Students Appreciate the Benefit of Experience at Multiple Clinical Sites

New PY1 AT Student Blog Post - Justin Epperly and Brandon Pavon (MAT Class of 2024)

Justin Epperly

This spring semester has been the beginning of our transition into the professional years of our Athletic training program. When we started observation hours it was equally exciting and nerve-racking, but after visiting John Burroughs, Washington University, and Fontbonne I realized there was much more to be excited about than nervous. It was very interesting to see the similarities across each clinical site and the minute differences such as scraping, taping techniques, and the use of cupping for examples. Not only were some of the therapeutic modalities different, but so were the spaces and overall environments. It was very interesting to see the part of being an AT that is not focused on as much. When I was not watching patient care, we spent our time talking with the athletic directors, coaches, and other athletes. This whole experience has really shed some light on the importance of the bond between the AT and those we work around. We truly are the connection from athlete to the school and sometimes the coaches.

During my observation hours I was fortunate to shadow Eldwin Neritani and Muharem Komic at Wash U; Lauren Swords and her preceptor Sammie Hochmuth ATC at Fontbonne; and Olivia Mani, Katie Wissing and their preceptor Dean Tiffany ATC at John Burroughs. I was also fortunate enough to have some of my fellow AT classmates shadow with me, shout out to Sha Jones, Brandon Pavon, and Marissa Uecker. However, one of my most memorable learning experiences came to me when I was shadowing at John Burroughs alone and one student dislocated his shoulder. I had never seen a dislocation or reduction of any kind so this was an amazing opportunity to witness something that one would not normally get to see. Luckily the student’s shoulder was reduced, and he was alright. Another memorable experience was also at John Burroughs with my fellow AT classmate, Brandon. Being our last day, we were able to try cupping…. Not on anyone else of course, but Olivia offered to cup our backs. This was a great learning experience because cupping, while it is not accepted everywhere, is a growing modality that many athletes enjoy. I think it was very beneficial to understand how cupping works and feels for my future as an AT, and for that matter, I think my time as a whole, at all the clinical sites I visited, were critical in my development as a future AT and have sparked excitement for my future!

Brandon Pavon

Starting this clinical observation process I was pretty nervous because this was the closest, I’ve been to seeing what it would be like to actually be an athletic trainer. Throughout my time at multiple different clinical sites, I was able to get a feel of how the different environments operate and how they vary from place to place. I mainly got to see the difference John Burroughs High School and DeSmet Jesuit high school. While the training rooms themselves vary drastically, the day to day very a lot too. At DeSmet, which is a all boys school, we mainly talked to the coaches before practices as well as watched the varsity volleyball team practice. At John Burroughs we saw a lot more students as they are required to take a sport along with it being a coed school. With the fall sports games starting around the time I went to John Burroughs I was also able to watch more games compared to my visit to DeSmet where the games had not started yet.

Justin and I have been to John Burroughs High School a couple of times now with Olivia, Katie, and Dean as the preceptor. Each time we went Dean has been super welcoming and helpful. There was one time Dean was taping an ankle and his technique was different than the one we learned from class so he was explaining to us why he does it the way he does. There was also some other times where Dean would be taping an arch or shin splint and he was explaining what happened to the person and why they needed this kind of taping job. It is experiences like these that lead to a further passion in this profession

This is one of a series of blog posts written by students entering the professional phase of the SLU AT Program as a part of MAT 3000 - AT Student Development II.

May 07, 2022

SLU MAT Class of 2022 Celebrates Excellence and Scholarship at Capstone Day

On Friday, May 6, 2022 students in the Saint Louis University Master of Athletic Training Class of 2022 presented their Capstone Project presentations to the Doisy College of Health Sciences from the Multipurpose Room of the Allied Health Building on the SLU Medical Center Campus.  The event was also streamed live on Zoom. 

The SLU MAT Capstone Project is the culminating scholarly product that our students develop to meet the requirements of the Master of Athletic Training Degree.  One of the graduates, Katie Wissing, participated virtually as she was competing in the Atlantic 10 Track and Field Championships.

Video of the event is posted on YouTube: 

The SLU AT Program's Excellence in Professional Service Award, Community Service Award and Clinical Excellence Award were presented to graduating students at the event.  The Academic Excellence Award was presented after the final grades were posted at the end of the spring semester. 

Excellence in Professional Service
Academic Excellence Award
Maddie Cavanaugh 

Excellence in Community Service
Brittany Risko 

Clinical Excellence
Sydney Nash
Katie Wissing (not pictured)

May 05, 2022

SLU AT Student Relates How NCAA Division II Wrestling Tournament Previewed the Professional Phase of the Program

New PY1 AT Student Blog Post - Grace Golembiewski
By: Grace Golembiewski (MAT Class of 2024)

I had the opportunity to complete a handful of my direct observation hours at the DII NCAA Wrestling Championship at Chaifetz Arena from March 10th-12th, under the guidance of the Head Athletic Trainer for the event, Austin DeBoer ATC, the Assistant Athletic Trainer at Maryville University. Caroline Miller, one of my peers, and a few PY1 and PY2 students in the SLU AT program were also attending the event to acquire a unique, collegiate level, clinical experience with wrestling, since we don’t have access to wrestling at Saint Louis University. This in itself made my overall clinical experience invaluable in the sense that I was able to connect with a lot of my peers and receive advice from experienced athletic trainers at other DII programs throughout the many hours I spent at the tournament.

On the first day of the championship, I was partnered with PY1 student Eldwin Neritani for the preliminary rounds of the tournament. I had never been to such a large collegiate wrestling tournament before, so it was astonishing to see the number of matches occurring at once. Before the matches started for the day, all of the head and student athletic trainers covering the event were required to gather together in order to review emergency action plans and divide up which athletic trainers would be in charge of covering which mats. This was essential as there would be eight matches occurring at once, and some wrestlers would not have a traveling athletic trainer with them. Therefore, Eldwin, Austin, Caroline, and I were in charge of covering two mats throughout the entirety of the day. Upon listening in on this initial meeting and interaction between all the different athletic trainers, I realized how important interprofessional relationships and emergency action plans were for such a large and chaotic event such as this one. With eight simultaneous matches going on at once, and large crowds, it was very difficult to hear and see all the different athletes competing at one time. Therefore, as the athletic trainers on call, it was imperative that Eldwin and Austin were always paying close attention to the zone they were in charge of covering, and for them to be aware of where the other healthcare professionals (such as EMTs) were located around the mats in case of an emergency. 

For instance, in one match, an athlete cried out in pain and grabbed his chest. Almost immediately, two head trainers were out on the mat assessing the situation, with Eldwin assisting as necessary. Together, along with the support of the head and assistant coaches of the athlete, all five personnel were able to safely assess the situation, evaluate the athlete’s injury, and transfer the athlete to the athletic training room for further inspection and optimal treatment and care. Another observation that I made about athletic training during my time at the wrestling tournament was how efficiently an athletic trainer does their job could make the difference between a win and a loss for an athlete. For instance, with collegiate wrestling, each athlete is only aloud a cumulative total of five minutes for “blood time.” This means that if an athletic trainer is not paying close attention to the match or is not prepared with the correct materials to clean and stop the bleeding, then the athlete will suffer not only in the physical sense, but also in their level of performance as well. This was made very clear to me throughout the tournament as every time there was a call for “blood,” multiple athletic trainers rushed out with the proper materials prepared to clean, bandage up, and stop any further bleeding from occurring as fast as possible. Overall, it was amazing to see how such a large group of athletic trainers worked like a well-oiled machine as they communicated and danced around one another throughout the three-day tournament.

In conclusion, there are a variety of important takeaways from my experience at the DII National Wrestling Championship which have all helped prepare me for my Professional Phase of the Athletic Training program. For instance, I am now much more aware of the importance of interprofessional collaboration and communication when working at any healthcare setting, especially at one as large as a national championship. Next, I discovered how essential it is for an athletic trainer to be organized, prepared, and have a high attention to detail in order to ensure the best possible outcomes for any emergency situations that may occur. And finally, my overall experience at this clinical site demonstrated that athletic trainers are an essential part of the athlete’s performance whether they are in an athletic training room or on the mat, field, or court.

This is one of a series of blog posts written by students entering the professional phase of the SLU AT Program as a part of MAT 3000 - AT Student Development II.

April 25, 2022

SLU MAT Class of 2022 Hosts Capstone Day on Friday May 6th at 1:00 pm

Students in the Saint Louis University Master of Athletic Training Class of 2022 will be presenting their Capstone Projects in the Multipurpose Room of the Allied Health Professions Building on SLU's South Campus as well as virtually on-line on May 6, 2022 starting at 1:00 pm.

The event is open to the public, and presentation of these projects mark the completion of their experience as students in the SLU Athletic Training Program.

2022 MAT Capstone Day Schedule

1:00 PM Mason Cotterel     
Slipping Rib Syndrome: A Functional Rehab Progression

1:15 PM Brittany Risko             
Effective Communication with Athletes with Autism Spectrum Disorder

1:30 PM Maddie Cavanaugh     
FIFA 11+ : Is it Effective as a Hamstring Injury Prevention Program?

1:45 PM Sydney Nash             
Labral Repair: Does External Rotation Ever Fully Return

2:00 PM Katie Wissing             
COVID-19: A Mental Pandemic

2:15 PM Amra Kardasevic     
The Effects of Blood Flow Restriction Training on Range of Motion after ACL Reconstruction

2:30 PM Michael Ryan
Concussion Evaluation in the Athletic Setting


Online Access via Zoom: 
For more information email Dr. Anthony Breitbach, SLU AT Program Director at anthony.breitbach@health.slu.edu.

April 21, 2022

SLU AT Society Hosts Scholarship Fundraiser on Giving Day - April 28th

The Saint Louis University Athletic Training Society (SLATS) is hosting a scholarship fundraiser on SLU Giving Day, April 28, 2022.

The SLU community changes lives all over the globe. This year's theme is "Paint the World SLU Blue".

The fifth annual SLU Giving Day is on April 28. This annual 24-hour day of giving — our biggest fundraising event of the year! — brings the SLU community together in support of important projects across the University.

All gifts made on SLU Giving Day also contribute to Accelerating Excellence: The Campaign for Saint Louis University. 

To donate to the SLATS Fundraiser use the SLU AT Scholarship Link

You can donate to the Brandi Burgett Memorial Award and Scholarship or the Bauman Endowed Scholarship in Athletic Training, or BOTH!

In the "additional information" box type in the name of the SLU AT student you are sponsoring.

The top 2 students in (1) number of donors and (2) amount raised will get a Nike Sideline Parka, which will be useful to wear when are on the field at cold events and practices.

If you have an questions, please email: sluptat@health.slu.edu

April 01, 2022

UCJC Student Appreciates the Opportunity to Learn at Saint Louis University

SLU AT International Clinical Exchange Spotlight - Universidad Camilo Jose Cela (Madrid)
By: Blanca Muntaner (UCJC Class of 2022)

Because of coronavirus we had been a whole year wondering when would we have the opportunity to finish our Athletic Trainer master's program. It looked like this moment was never coming. Finally, after a long time waiting, we finally landed in the city of Saint Louis. 

From the beginning we had a wonderful welcoming from our classmates and also from our professors. Which is something for which I am enormously grateful. When you arrive to another city, in another country, with a different language you feel much better being surrounded by people like them.
After our initial week we started our clinicals. During the first period I attended my clinicals in a public high school called Webster Groves High School. With two other students we spend all our afternoons from Monday to Friday in there. When you are there you realize the importance of the sport in this country. This particular place offers a wide variety of different sports to practice, for both men and women. Besides the way they make it allows each student to practice more than one sport if they want to. So the amount of athletes is amazing. Besides I had the opportunity to see many different injuries. From a concussion to skin disorders, among others. Furthermore, I was so lucky to spend time with my preceptor from there. From the beginning he was so committed with me learning and he also trusted me. 

After the time I spent on the high school I started my clinicals in the Chaifetz Arena at Saint Louis University. A different place where you enjoy the amazing facilities they have. A hydrotherapy area with a treadmill in it, a gym with everything needed  or a room where physical therapists, athletic trainers, doctors and students work together. This is what impacts you the most when you see it for the first time. Working with all of this helps you learning at the same time that you personalize the treatment for the athlete.

To sum up, if your desire is to enjoy an experience in the United States of America knowing how things work in here at the same time that you improve your English level, Saint Louis is the right place to come. 

El coronavirus nos había tenido en vilo todo el ultimo año y parecía que este momento nunca iba a llegar. Después de tanto tiempo de espera y de incertidumbre, de no saber cuando podríamos terminar nuestro master de Athletic Trainer, por fin llegamos a Saint Louis. 

La bienvenida que nos dieron desde el primer momento iba a ser la tesitura de nuestra estancia en esta Universidad. Tanto los alumnus como los profesores nos mostraron su apoyo desde el primer momento. Es algo que agradezco enormemente ya que al llegar a una nueva ciudad, en otro país, con otro idioma, te sientes mucho más tranquila sabiendo que estas rodeada de gente como ellos.
Tras una semana de adaptación llego el momento de empezar las prácticas. Durante la primera mitad de mi estancia aquí, estuve de prácticas en un instituto public llamado Webster Groves High School. Junto a dos alumnus de primer año de mi máster acudíamos todas las tardes. Cuando estas allí te das cuenta de la importancia que tiene el deporte en este país. Este sitio en particular ofrece una gran variedad de deportes para todos sus alumnus, tanto niños como niñas. Y el sistema te permite practicar más de un deporte, por lo que la cantidad de deportistas es incredible. Atiendes todo tipo de lesions, desde un traumatismo cranioencefálico hasta infecciones en la piel. Además tuve la suerte de tener un tutor que me ofreció toda su confianza desde el primer día y que se involucró en mi aprendizaje. 

Despúes del instituto empecé las prácticas en el estadio de la propia Universidad de Saint Louis. Un ambiente distinto en donde disfrutas de las increibles instalaciones que tienen. Una zona de hidroterapia con una cinta para correr sumergida, un gimnasio con todo el material necesario para adaptarse a cualquier tipo de deporte o una sala en donde fisios, athletic trainers, medicos y estudiantes trabajan en conjunto. Esto es lo que te impacta nada más llegar el primer dia. Trabajar con estas facilidades te ayuda a parender a la vez que adaptas al 100% el tratamiento a la lesion que tiene él/la deportista.

En definitiva, si lo que quieres es disfrutar de una experiencia en Estados Unidos, conociendo de primera mano el sistema de este país y cómo trabajan aquí con los deportistas a la vez que mejoras tu nivel de ingles, Saint Louis es el lugar indicado para venir .

March 26, 2022

UCJC Student Reflects on International Clinical Exchange Experience at Saint Louis University

SLU AT International Clinical Exchange Spotlight - Universidad Camilo Jose Cela (Madrid)
By: Ramon Morales (UCJC Class of 2022)

As an international student from UCJC - Universidad Camilo Jose Cela Madrid -Spain. In my last clinical internship at Saint Louis University Athletic Training Program, I was immersed in the University's sports medical system (Chaifetz Arena sports medicine clinic) and High School (Webster Groves High School). I was given the instruction and practical clinical in athletic training with an intensive and continuous training process. The clinical rotation period in two different athletic training departments gave me a level of knowledge and approach to the injured athlete in the USA's day- to-day competitive and training sports at two different educational levels of athletes.
My first assignment at the Chaifetz Arena SLU Sports Medicine and Athletic Training department under my preceptor Gwyn Brown, ATC, represented two main things during my experience. One was taught by a great professional with daily dedication and facilitation, patiently coordinating at the same time the set of professionals who were dedicated to reinforcing and complementing my reasonable period in different clinical cases. In that way, I could then receive practice and clinical approach in softball, Volleyball, cross county and swimming, and women's basketball and field hockey with Elena Melillo ATC and Maddie Bozych ATC. My preceptor Gwyn Brown, ATC, was daily interested in reinforcing my clinical practice in the evaluation and specific treatment of the athlete, the interpretation and exploration of the rehabilitation programs, and in my learning in the use of the highest technology of the department (ALTER-G anti-gravity treadmill equipment, Laser, HiVAmat high frequency, Hydrotherapy treadmill, Game-ready, stim modalities, etc.,) as well as manual or instrumental techniques of daily application (Graston technique, Vacuum Cup, etc.). Also, the practice in the coverage and preparation of sports practices within the whole spectrum of Athletic Training.

From the beginning, the team led by SLU Head Athletic Trainer Johnathan Burch, ATC, gave me a warm welcome and worked with me based on getting the best experience. Immediately, colleagues such as Mike Markee, PT, ATC were concerned about incorporating observation and practical participation in important post-operative cases (ACL- Meniscus- Achilles' tendon repair), receiving updated scientific information and encouraging me to participate.

My second clinical sports rotation at Webster Groves High School was equally exceptional and exciting, guided and well received by a stimulating person, my preceptor Sean Wright, ATC. With the confidence previously gotten, I went directly to the clinical action, interaction, and immediate decision in clinical cases at the initial prevention level. Acute injuries in children and adolescents in plenty bone maturity, multiple patients, being my preceptor next to me asking me what you suggest and what you propose? Telling me; Perfect, ok go ahead, in full therapeutic action using your manual therapeutic and interpretative skills. It was a tremendous responsibility to give a solution to each case, besides having my colleagues students Alex Smith and Giovanna Charles (MAT Class of 2023). They bought their experience and daily support in practice collaborating with me at all times.

At the end of my experience as an international student, I feel like I must finally say it!!!! I have learned about the USA's institutional and administrative clinical management of ATs. The SLU and its Athletic Training program is a high-level institution where one feels protected with an exceptional and intensive agenda that immediately surrounds you, giving you multiple practical and educational tools. All its staff is attentive to you, making the most of your stay. I feel very grateful to all of you. Thank you, SLU, Professors Anthony Breitbach ATC, Katie Sniffen ATC, and Timothy Howell ATC, for this beautiful and unforgettable opportunity.

Mi primera asignacion al Chaifetz Arena Saint Louis University Sport Medicine and Athletic Training department a cargo de mi preceptor Gwyn Brown, ATC junto dos cosas primordiales durante mi experiencia una ser instruido por un gran profesional con dedicación diaria y facilitación a la practica clínica coordinando con paciencia no solo mi formación si no a la vez al conjunto de profesionales que se abocaron a reforzar y complimentar durante mi periodo practico mi rotación en diferentes casos clínicos de esa manera pude entonces recibir practicas y enfoque clínico no solo en Soft ball,Volley ball ,Cross county y natación si no Basketball femenino y Hockey de la mano de Elena Melillo ATC and Maddie Bozych ATC. Mi preceptor Gwyn Brown, ATC estuvo diariamente interesada en reforzar mi clínica practica en la evaluación y tratamiento especifico del atleta , en la interpretación, exploración de los programas de rehabilitación y en mi aprendizaje en el manejo de la mas alta tecnología del departamento (ALTER-G anti-gravity treadmill equipment, Laser, HiVAmat hifg frecuency, Hydrotherapy treadmill,Game ready, stim modalities etc,) asi como técnicas manuales o instrumentales de diaria aplicación (Graston technique , Vacuum Cup, etc). De igual forma la practica en la cobertura y preparacion de practicas deportivas dentro de todo el espectro del Athletic Training.

Desde el inico el equipo dirigido por SLU Head Athletic Trainer Jonathan Burch ATC me dio una calida acogida y trabajo en función de mi mayor experiencia. De forma inmediata colegas como Dr. Mike Markee, PT, ATC se preocupo por incorporación a la observación,y practica participación en casos post operatorios importantes (ACL- Meniscus- Achilles tendón repair) recibiendo actualizada información científica y estimulándome a dar mi aporte y participación.

Mi segunda rotación clínico deportiva en Webster Groves High School fue igualmente excepcional y excitante, orientado y bien recibido por una estimulante persona mi preceptor Sean Wright, ATC y ya con la confianza ganada de la primera rotación , pase directamente a la acción clínica , interactuación y decisión directa en casos clínicos en el mas alto nivel preventivo y agudo de lesiones en niños y adolescentes en pleno desarrollo de madures ósea , multiples casos , situaciones directas de contusiones , estando mi preceptor al lado preguntándome ¿Qué sugieres tu?, ¿que propones ? ..muy bien, ok avanza.. en plena acción terapéutica utilizando tu capacidad manual terapeutica e interpretación propia , fue de una responsabilidad tremenda en darle solución a cada caso, además de contar con mis compañeros Alex Smith and Giovanna Charles (MAT Class of 2023) quienes compratieron su experiencia apoyo diario en la practica colaborando conmigo en todo momento.

Al final de mi experiencia  como estudiante internacional,  Siento que debo finalmente decirlo
!!!! he aprendido sobre el manejo clínico institucional y administrativo del AT en USA,La SLU y su programa de Athletic Training es una institucion de alto nivel donde uno se siente protegido e igual a todos, con una agenda excepcional e intensiva que te envuelve inmediatamente dándote multiples herramientas practicas y educativas , todo su personal esta atento a que tu aproveches al maximo tu estadia, me siento muy agradecido a todos Gracias SLU , gracias Profs. Anthony Breitbach, Katie Sniffen and Timothy Howell por esta maravillosa e inolvidable oportunidad.

March 22, 2022

SLU AT Students Experience the Importance of Communication in Health Care at Washington University

SLU AT Clinical Site Spotlight - Washington University
By: Sydney Nash (MAT Class of 2022), Muharem Komic and Eldwin Neritani (MAT Class of 2023)

During this clinical experience at Washington University with preceptors Chris Schultheiss ATC, Amanda Luskey ATC and Jackee Hill ATC, we have already learned a lot. We have learned about how important the dynamic between athletic trainers in a collegiate setting like Wash U really is. Being able to properly communicate with and interact with your coworkers is a necessity to be able to establish any sort of proper dynamic and communication with the athletes. If none of the athletic trainers are on the same page, that makes giving proper healthcare to the athletes much more difficult than it needs to be.

The transition of care is also very important with there being a new hire and them being put in charge of a team that a previous athletic trainer oversaw. Seeing the transition of care was a learning experience because the new hire must build up trust with the athletes that the previous athletic trainer already had. Another characteristic picked up while at Wash U is trust. It is a very important aspect of the receival of care with an athlete. They tend to be more open about their healing process and how they are doing and be more honest with you. Overall, it has been a very educational experience and being exposed to a variety of modalities old and new to me was very intriguing. We have also experienced assisting in rehabilitation programs for injuries and just learning and picking up on all aspects of athletic training and adapting to it with what we already know.

Wash U provides many experiences in not only the medical side of Athletic Training but the administrative side as well. During my experience here we have been immersed into the documentation side of athletic training with not only learning how to use the record system but also learning techniques to keep track of treatments and best way to do so. We have gained so many new methods for recording treatment as well as injury updates. Wash U provides experiences in all aspects of Athletic Training and is preparing us to become adept Athletic Trainers.

This is one of a series of posts by the Saint Louis University Athletic Training students featuring their clinical site and their preceptors. The number, quality and diversity of clinical instruction are major assets for the SLU AT Program.